Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


PR160 - Payment Print

**Form Purpose
Run Payment Print (PR160) to create system payments and direct deposit
receipts from records created by PR140 (Earnings and Deductions Calculation).

**Processing Effect
When you run PR160, the system creates a disc file of direct deposit payment
information that can be copied to magnetic media.

If you rerun PR140 (Earnings and Deductions Calculation) with No in the Error
Time Records field, all payments originally created by PR160 are deleted from
the system.

You can place individual employee time records in Error status and rerun
PR140 with Yes in the Error Time Records field. In this case, only payments
issued to employees with error status time records are deleted from the

If you rerun PR140 (Earnings and Deductions Calculation) with No in the Error
Time Records field, all payments originally created by PR160 are deleted from
the system.

You can place individual employee time records in Error status and rerun
PR140 with Yes in the Error Time Records field. In this case, only payments
issued to employees with error status time records are deleted from the

In both cases, it is necessary to rerun PR160 to create new payments or
receipts for the employees whose original payments have been deleted.

You can rerun PR160 if you need to correct data errors you find after you ran
PR160 the first time. However, if you ran PR197 (Payroll Close) you cannot run
PR160 again for the current payroll. The system assigns a serial number to the
payment print file it creates when you run PR160. You must enter this serial
number when you rerun or reprint payments.

**More Information
The Payroll system associates payment records with a bank code when you run
PR140. You must run PR160 for each bank code associated with the payment
records. If you override a bank code on PR140, you must run PR160 for that
bank code.

You can choose to create a flat file. You use the flat file with a third
party tool to create custom checks and receipts.

Updated Files

    BANKACCT   - Used to validate the bank account associated with the bank
                 code entered and determine which payment format is used. Also
                 used to update the last  payment ID for alignment payments or
                 ACH prenotifications created by the program.

    BANKFILE   - Used to validate the bank code.

    CKPOINT    - The Universe file used for recovery.

    EMACHDEPST - Used to retrieve and update the Prenotify field.

    EMPACHDIST - Used to generate a record for each ACH distribution.

    PRCHECK    - Creates a record for each payment, pay receipt, alignment
                 payment, and ACH prenotification processed.




    PRSYSTEM   - Used to update the payment print run flag and serial number,
                 and to validate the company and process level.

Referenced Files

    ABASSIGN   -

    ABTRANS    -


    DCCLASS    - Used to get the payment stub description for deductions tied
                 to a deduction class.

    DEDCODE    - Used to get the payment stub description for a deduction.


    EMPLOYEE   - Used to retrieve employee information to be printed on the

    EMSTATUS   - Used to validate employee status. The program does not print
                 payments for employees with a pay status of NN (No Pay/No
                 Benefits) or NB (No Pay/Benefits).

    EMTAMASTR  - Used to retrieve the time accrual balances for printing on the
                 payment. This only applies to payment formats that allow
                 printing of time accrual balances.




    PACOMMENTS - Used to retrieve comments for printing on payments based on
                 the payment date.


    PAYDEDUCTN - Used to retrieve deductions and amount for printing on the

    PAYMASTR   - Used to retrieve the payment and period ending dates, and
                 gross and net pay for printing on the payment.

    PAYSUMGRP  - Used to retrieve the pay summary group for printing on the

    PBCLIENT   -

    PLANCLASS  - Used to determine which time accrual plan balances print on
                 the payment.

    PLANMASTER - Used to determine which time accrual plan balances print on
                 the payment.

    PREMDEDHST - Used to retrieve employee deduction history for printing on
                 the payment.



    PRPENPAY   -

    PRPROCGRP  - Used to validate the process group.



    PRTIME     - Used to retrieve time record information for the payment.

    PSGRELATE  - Used to retrieve a pay summary group in order to print
                 deduction amounts that are based on a particular type of pay.

    QUARTWAGE  - Used to retrieve year-to-date wages for printing on the

    TIMERECORD - Used to retrieve time record information to print on the

INVOKED Programs
