PR275 - Deduction Report
**Form Purpose
Run Deduction Report (PR275) to print a report of payroll deduction amounts.
You can define report parameters to select records for a specific deduction
or deduction class. If you select a deduction class, the report includes all
deductions associated with the deduction class.
You can also define an employee range or a date range of deduction records to
include in the report.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
DCCLASS - Used to validate the deduction class.
DEDCODE - Used to validate the deduction.
DEPTCODE - Used to validate the department.
EMPLOYEE - Used to validate the employee record.
HRSECLEV - Used to validate the employee's data item security.
PAYDEDUCTN - Used to retrieve payroll deduction history.
PAYMASTR - Used to retrieve pay history.
PRCHECK - Used to find the payment number if it is not found in the
Employee Payment Detail file.
PRSYSTEM - Used to validate the company.