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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


BN245 - Benefit Election Form

**Form Purpose
Run Benefit Election Form (BN245) to create benefit election or confirmation
forms for employees.

**Processing Effect
When run to update, BN245 creates CSV (Comma Separated Value) files that you
can use to import benefits information into other products such as
ReportSmith. Use jobdef and CSV file attributes to define output directories
and file names for each CSV file created.

**More Information
You can run BN245 to create forms showing an employee's benefit elections on
a specific date, the plans for which an employee is eligible on a specific
date, or both. For flex benefits, the form can show an employee's flex dollars
and the benefits under a flex plan.

For each employee, BN245 lists basic information about the employee from
HR11.1 (Employee), such as the employee's Social Security number, hire date,
and so on.

To list an employee's benefits, use the Benefits Date field. The form shows
the benefits the employee has elected on the Benefits Date, including the
related coverage and contributions.

To list the plans for which an employee is eligible, use the Election Date
field. For each plan, the form shows the coverage and contributions available
to the employee. BN245 calculates an employee's eligibility based on the
employee group and postal code criterion defined in BN15.1 (Benefit Plan) and
the waiting periods defined in BN16.1 (Benefit Entry Rules).

For detailed information on the layouts of the CSV files created by BN245,
see "CSV File Layouts" in the Benefits Procedure Manual.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - The Check Point file is used to allow recovery.

    EMDEDMASTR - The EMDEDMASTR file is used to validate employee deduction

    EMPLOYEE   - The Employee file contains employee data.

    HRHISTORY  - The HR History file is accessed to retrieve the annual salary
                 on the "as of" date.


Referenced Files

    BENEFICRY  - The Beneficiary file is accessed to retrieve beneficiary

    BENEFIT    - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
                 for all benefit types.

                 The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records for
                 all benefit types.

    BNACCOUNTS - The Benefit Accounts file validates general ledger override
                 account information.

    BNANNENR   -

    BNCOMPANY  - The Benefit Company Parameters file is used to verify company

    BNCOVDFT   - The Benefit Coverage Defaults file is accessed to retrieve
                 coverage default information.

    BNCOVERAGE - The Benefit Coverage file is accessed to retrieve coverage

    BNCOVOPT   - The Benefit Coverage Options file is accessed to retrieve the
                 coverage option.

    BNFAMSTS   -

    BNINVEST   - The Investment Distribution file contains investment accounts.


    BNPLNENR   -

    BNPOSTCODE - The Benefits Postal Code file is updated with postal codes for
                 the company.

    BNPRMOPT   - The Benefit Premium Options file is accessed to retrieve
                 coverage defaults.

    BNWAIT     - The Benefit Plan Waiting Period file contains waiting period

    CONTRDETL  - The CONTRDETL file contains schedule of contributions detail.

    DEDCODE    - The Deduction file is used to determine deduction.

    DEDFREQTBL - The Frequency Table file contains annual divisions based on
                 employees pay frequency.

    DEPTCODE   - The Department file is used to verify departments.

    EMDEPEND   - The Employee Dependent file is used to access employee
                 dependent files.

    EMPFLEXDOL - The Employee Flex Dollar file contains information about flex

    EMPINVEST  - The Emp Benefit Investment Dist file contains employee
                 investment data.

    EMSTATUS   - The Employee/Applicant Status file is used to verify employee
                 status codes.

    EMTAMASTR  - The Employee Time Accrual Master file is accessed to verify
                 the employee is set up in a time accrual plan.

    FLEXDOLLAR - The Flex Dollars file is used to verify flex dollars.

    FLEXPLAN   - The Flex Benefit Plan file contains flex plan information.

    GLINTCO    -

    GLSYSTEM   -

    HRDEPBEN   - The Dependent Benefits file is accessed by this program.

    HRHISTORY  - The HR History file is accessed to retrieve the annual salary
                 on the "as of" date.

    HRSECLEV   - The Employee Security Level file is accessed by this report.

    HRSUPER    - The Supervisors file is accessed by this report.


    JOBCODE    - The Job Code Parameters file is used to access annual hours on
                 the job code.

    ONETMDED   - The Payroll One-time Deduction file is accessed by this report.

    PADICT     -

    PAEMPLOYEE - The Employee PA Information file contains employee data.

    PASCRTY    - The Data Item Attribute Parameters file is accessed to perform
                 field security.

    PAYDEDUCTN - The Employee Payment Deduction file is accessed to verify that
                 an employee deduction exists.

    PAYMASTR   -

    PCODES     - The Human Resources Code file is used to verify locations.

    PERSGROUP  - The Employee Group Header file is used to verify employee

    PGEMPLOYEE - The Employee Group Employees file is used to verify employee

    PGSELECT   - The Employee Group Selection Criteria file is accessed by this

    PLAN       - The Benefit Plan file contains plan information.

    PREMDEDHST - The Employee Deduction History file is accessed to retrieve
                 the deduction amount.

    PREMIUM    - The Benefit Plan Premium file contains premium rates.

    PROTPAYPRD - The Overtime Pay Periods is accessed by this file.

    PROTWRKPRD - The Overtime Work Periods file is accessed by this program.

    PROVERTIME - The Overtime Pay Plan file is accessed by this program.

    PRPROCGRP  - The Payroll Process Group file is accessed by this program.

    PRRATEHIST - The Employee Rate History file is accessed to retrieve the
                 salary on an "as of" date.

    PRSAGDTL   - The Step and Grade Schedule Detail file is used to retrieve an
                 employee's pay rate when the employee has a step and grade
                 schedule in the Payroll system.


    PRSYSTEM   - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify
                 process levels.

    PRTAXLEVY  - The Payroll Tax Levy file is accessed by this program.

    PRTAXLOC   -

    PRTIME     - The Employee Pay/Hours History file is accessed by this

    PSGRELATE  - The Pay Class/Pay Summary Group Relation file is accessed by
                 this program.

    RATETBLDTL - The Rate Table Detail file contains rate table detail.

    RATETBLHDR - The Rate Table Header file is used to verify rate table codes.

INVOKED Programs
