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                             PRSAGDTL FILE

                      Step & Grade Schedule Detail

Contains the Step and Grade Schedule Detail file that corresponds with the
Step and Grade Schedule Header file. These two files are used with grade range
schedules as well as step and grade schedules. You can define a step and grade
schedule instead of a pay rate on the employee record.

When used for step and grade, this file stores a specific pay rate that
corresponds with a schedule, effective date, step and grade. This file also
has a field for the old pay rate, which PR110 (Step and Grade Audit) uses when
logging the changes of an employee's pay in the logfile. The system uses this
file in any program that requires the employee's pay rate. These include
programs in the Lawson Payroll, Personnel Administration, Benefits, and Time
Accrual systems.

When used for a grade range schedule, this file stores the minimum, midpoint,
and maximum pay rates for the grade range. These correspond with a step of 1,
2, and 3, respectively.


AC541     AC542     BN150     HCOP.1    HCSC.1    HR06.1
HR206     HR506     HR511     HRCL.1    PA02.1    PA100
PA102     PA13.1    PA13.2    PA295     PA42.1    PA502
PA513     PA52.5    PA52.1    PA52.3    PA52.4    PR128
PR130     PR131     PR132     PR134     PR136     PR189
PR216     PR29.1    PR32.2    PR33.2    PR33.3    PR35.1
PR35.2    PR35.3    PR35.4    PR35.5    PR35.6    PR35.8
PR36.1    PR45.1    PR529     PR530     PR560     PR80.1
PR82.1    UK102     TA147     UK120     BN100     BN101
BN102     BN103     BN105     BN145     BN232     BN245
BN31.1    BN31.2    BN32.1    BN32.2    BN32.3    BN320
BN350     BN45.1    BN531     BN65.1    BN66.1    BN71.1
BN72.1    BS13.1    BS14.1    BS15.1    BS32.1    HR11.1
HR11.2    HR15.1    HR155     HR170     HR211     HR515
HR54.1    HR55.2    HR650     HR70.1    HRS1.1    HRSC.1
HSGD.1    PA113     PA115     PA16.1    PA20.1    PA21.1
PA22.1    PA24.1    PA242     PA262     PA27.1    PA272
PA290     PA34.1    PA35.1    PA36.1    PA370     PA38.1
PA391     PA520     PA53.1    PA54.1    PA64.1    PA64.2
PA66.3    TR21.1    TR22.1    TR26.1    TR500     HS01.1
PR113     PR120     PR13.1    PR13.5    PR13.6    PR13.8
PR140     PR195     PR24.1    PR89.1    PRBA.1    PRSC.1
TA146     TA175     TA195     TA199


PA95.1    PR110     PR116     PR16.1    HR00.1    HR01.1
PBIP.1    PR197


SGD-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   PA95.1  PR116
Company              Contains the number that represents an      PR16.1
                     established company and is entered on
                     all functions.

SGD-SCHEDULE         Alpha 9                                     PA95.1  PR116
Schedule             Contains a set of steps and grades for      PR16.1
                     a step and grade schedule or a set of
                     grades and minimum, midpoint, and
                     maximum values for a grade range

SGD-EFFECT-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       PA95.1  PR116
Effective Date       Contains the date that the step and         PR16.1
                     grade or the grade range schedule is

SGD-PAY-GRADE        Alpha 3                                     PA95.1  PR116
Grade                Contains the grade.                         PR16.1

SGD-PAY-STEP         Numeric 2                                   PA95.1  PR116
Step                 Contains the step if this is a step and     PR16.1
                     grade schedule. For grade range
                     schedules, step 1 is the minimum, step 2
                     is the midpoint, and step 3 is the
                     maximum pay rate for the grade.

SGD-GRADE-SEQ        Numeric 4                                   PA95.1  PR116
Pay Grade Internal   Contains the sequence number that keeps     PR16.1
Sequence             the grades in order.  Grades are
                     alphanumeric but are not necessarily in
                     alphabetical order.

SGD-PAY-RATE         Signed 13.4                                 PA95.1  PR116
Rate of Pay          Contains the pay rate from the Employee     PR16.1
                     file if using step and grade. If using a
                     grade range schedule, this is either the
                     minimum, midpoint, or maximum.

SGD-OLD-PAY-RATE     Signed 13.4                                 PA95.1  PR110
Old Pay Rate         Contains the old pay rate. When a           PR116   PR16.1
                     change is made, the old pay rate
                     defaults into this field. This field is
                     not used with grade range schedules.

SGD-BASE-PAY-RATE    Signed 13.4                                 PA95.1  PR116
Base Pay Rate        Contains the pay rate in the company's      PR16.1
                     base currency.

                         PRSAGDTL FILE INDEX


SGDSET1   COMPANY                                                AC541   AC542
          SCHEDULE                                               BN150   HCOP.1
          EFFECT-DATE                                            HCSC.1  HR00.1
          PAY-GRADE                                              HR01.1  HR06.1
          PAY-STEP                                               HR206   HR506
                                                                 HR511   HRCL.1
                                                                 PA02.1  PA100
                                                                 PA102   PA13.1
                                                                 PA13.2  PA295
                                                                 PA42.1  PA502
                                                                 PA513   PA52.5
                                                                 PA95.1  PBIP.1
                                                                 PR110   PR116
                                                                 PR128   PR130
                                                                 PR131   PR132

SGDSET2   COMPANY                                                PA295   PA95.1
          SCHEDULE                                               PR116   PR16.1
          EFFECT-DATE                                            PR216

SGDSET3   COMPANY                                                BN100   BN101
          SCHEDULE                                               BN102   BN103
          PAY-GRADE                                              BN105   BN145
          PAY-STEP                                               BN232   BN245
          EFFECT-DATE*                                           BN31.1  BN31.2
                                                                 BN32.1  BN32.2
                                                                 BN32.3  BN320
                                                                 BN350   BN45.1
                                                                 BN531   BN65.1
                                                                 BN66.1  BN71.1
                                                                 BN72.1  BS13.1
                                                                 BS14.1  BS15.1
                                                                 BS32.1  HCOP.1
                                                                 HR06.1  HR11.1
                                                                 HR11.2  HR15.1

                         PRSAGDTL FILE RELATIONS



Company        PRSYSTEM     Required

                            SGD-COMPANY        -> PRS-COMPANY
                            Spaces             -> PRS-PROCESS-LEVEL

Sag Head       PRSAGHEAD    Required

                            SGD-COMPANY        -> SGH-COMPANY
                            "S"                -> SGH-INDICATOR
                            SGD-SCHEDULE       -> SGH-SCHEDULE
                            SGD-EFFECT-DATE    -> SGH-EFFECT-DATE

Sag Head G     PRSAGHEAD    Not Required

                            SGD-COMPANY        -> SGH-COMPANY
                            "G"                -> SGH-INDICATOR
                            SGD-SCHEDULE       -> SGH-SCHEDULE
                            SGD-EFFECT-DATE    -> SGH-EFFECT-DATE