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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


HR211 - Employee Listing

**Form Purpose
Run Employee Listing (HR211) to print a list of employee information.

HR211 (Employee Listing) provides three options:

- Choose Option 1 to produces a report from the information defined in HR11.1
(Employee) for each employee who meets the report parameters defined on the
screen. You can also choose to include employee user fields, alternate rates,
and comments on the report.

- Choose Option 2 to produce an employee name and address list using the Home
Address fields information in the Address window of HR11.1 for employees who
meet the report parameters entered on the screen.

- Choose Option 3 to produce an employee name and address list in a mailing
label format (three across, 3 1/2" x 15/16" standard labels). The information
in the Home Address fields in the Address window of HR11.1 prints on the

- Choose Option 4 to generate a report of employee tax information defined on
Employee US Taxes (HR13.1).

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    -

Referenced Files

    CUCODES    -

    DEDCODE    - Used to validate deductions.

    DEPTCODE   - Used to retrieve the department description.

    EMDEDMASTR - Used to retrieve employee deduction information.

    EMPLOYEE   - Contains information about the employee, and is the primary
                 file referenced by this program.

    EMSTATUS   - Used to retrieve the employee status.



    HREMPUSF   - Used to access employee user field data.

    HRSECLEV   - Used to access the employee's security level for data items.

    HRSUPER    - Used to retrieve the employee's supervisor.

    HRUSERFLDS - Used to validate user fields and HR codes.


    JOBCODE    - Used to retrieve employee job code information.

    PACOMMENTS - Used to access employee comments.

    PAEMPLOYEE - Used to retrieve additional employee information.

    PAPOSITION - Used to validate the position.

    PASCRTY    -

    PATHFIND   - Used to retrieve values for certain fields.

    PCODES     - Used to retrieve various code descriptions.

    PGEMPLOYEE - Used to determine if an employee is assigned to an employee

    PREMPSTATE - Used to retrieve additional state information.

    PROVERTIME - Used to retrieve employee pay plan information.


    PRRATES    - Used to retrieve alternate pay rates.

    PRSAGDTL   - Used to retrieve the rate of pay for step and grade employees.

    PRSAGHEAD  - Used to access the step and grade schedule.

    PRSYSTEM   - Used to validate the company and to retrieve the process level

    PRTAXAUTH  - Used to retrieve employee tax authority information.

    PRTAXLOC   -

INVOKED Programs
