PA115 - Employee Purge
**Form Purpose
Run Employee Purge (PA115) to purge employee information for employees with
termination dates from the Payroll and Personnel Administration applications.
Warning This program permanently deletes data. Before you run this program,
back up your data according to your organization's procedures. Before you
submit the report, carefully review the parameters.
**Processing Effect
You cannot purge employees who have year-to-date wages for the current year,
pending actions, benefits in the Benefits system, or time records.
**More Information
Two report selections are available which provide either a summary or
detailed listing of employees who are purged. The summary listing shows the
name and number of each purged employee. The detailed listing shows all
information purged for each employee.
The employee profile is designed to print on a form with 79 lines. If you
print it on regular paper, the text will overflow.
Updated Files
BNCHANGE - The Benefit Changes file is accessed to delete employee
records when employee information is purged.
BNGRPCHG - The Benefit Group Change file is used to delete employee
records when employee information is purged.
BNSIMDTL - The Benefit Simulation Detail file is used to delete employee
records for employees whose records have been purges.
BNSIMHDR - The Benefit Simulation Header file is used to delete records
for purged employee information.
BONDBENSEQ - The Bond Benefit Sequence file is used to delete records for
employees whose information has been purged.
CKPOINT - The Check Point file is the universe file used for recovery.
EMACHDEPST - The Employee ACH Account file is used to delete ACH records
tied to purged employees.
EMDEDMASTR - The Employee Deduction file is used to delete employee
deduction master records tied to purged employees.
EMDEPEND - The Employee Dependent file is used to delete employee
dependent records tied to purged employees.
EMDISTMAST - The Emp Acct Distribution Override file is used to delete
employee distribution master records tied to purged employees.
EMPAUTO - The Employee Automobiles file is used to delete employee auto
records tied to purged employees.
EMPCODES - The Emp/App Personnel Codes file is used to delete employee
personnel codes tied to purged employees.
EMPLOYEE - The Employee file is used to delete employee master records
and produce a report with deleted employee name and number.
EMPVISA - The Employee Travel and Visa file is used to delete employee
visa records tied to purged employees.
HREMPUSF - The Employee/Applicant User Fields file is accessed by this
HRHISTORY - The HR History file is used to delete employee history records
tied to purged employees.
HRSUPER - The Supervisors file is accessed by this report.
INTERVIEW - The Applicant Interview file is used to delete interview
records tied to purged employees.
JOBAUTH - The Employee Job Authorization file is used to delete job
authority records tied to purged employees.
MILITARY - The Military Service History file is used to delete military
records tied to purged employees.
OSHA - The OSHA Incident History file is used to delete OSHA records
tied to purged employees.
PACOMMENTS - The Personnel Comments file is used to delete Personnel
Comments records tied to purged employees.
PAEMERGCNT - The Employee Emergency Contacts file is used to delete
emergency contact information for purged employees.
PAEMPCOSTS - The Employee Costs file is used to delete employee training
information for employees whose records have been purged.
PAEMPLOYEE - The Employee Personnel Information file is used to delete
personnel employee records tied to purged employees.
PAEMPPOS - The Employee Position file is used to delete personnel
employee position records tied to purged employees.
PAEMPTRACK - The Required Training file is used to delete employee training
tracks for purged employees.
PAJOBREQ - The Job Requisition file is to delete requisition records tied
to purged employees.
PAMEDICAL - The Emp Medical and Work Desc Code file is used to delete
employee medical records tied to purged employees.
PAPEPAUDIT - The Employee Position Audit file is accessed to delete the
retroactive position job changes.
PAPOSERR - The Position Errors file is accessed to delete the position
change errors.
PAREGISTER - The Registration Information file is used to delete employee
course registrations when employee information is purged.
PAREQAPP - The Job Requisition Application file is accessed by this
PAREQCOST - The Job Requisition Cost file is accessed by this report.
PAREQLOG - The Job Requisition Logfile is accessed by this report.
PAREQOFFER - The Job Requisition Offer file is accessed by this report.
PATHFIND - The Employee Report Writer Paths file is used to delete path
find records tied to purged employees.
PATRNHIST - The Training History file is used to delete employee training
history for employees whose records have been purged.
PERSACTHST - The Personnel Action History file is used to delete employee
history records tied to a purged employee.
PGEMPLOYEE - The Employee Group Employees file is used to delete personnel
group employee records tied to purged employees.
PGSELECT - The Emp Group Selection Criteria file is used to delete
personnel group select records tied to purged employees.
PREMPSTATE - The Employee State file is used to delete
PRRATEHIST - The Employee Rate History file is used to delete pay rate and
salary information tied to purged employees.
PRRATES - The Alternate Pay Rates file is used to delete alternate pay
rate records from Alternate Pay Rates file for records tied to
purged employees.
REVIEW - The Employee Performance Reviews file is used to delete review
records tied to purged employees.
SBBEN - The Savings Bond Beneficiary file is used to purge employee
records when employee information is purged.
VESTHOURS - The vested hours file is used to delete employee records for
purged employees.
Referenced Files
BENEFIT - The Employee Benefit file is used to verify that no benefit
records exist for the
employee before the purge.
BNCHANGE - The Benefit Changes file is accessed to delete employee
records when employee information is purged.
BNGRPCHG - The Benefit Group Change file is used to delete employee
records when employee information is purged.
BNSIMDTL - The Benefit Simulation Detail file is used to delete employee
records for employees whose records have been purges.
BNSIMHDR - The Benefit Simulation Header file is used to delete records
for purged employee information.
BONDBENSEQ - The Bond Benefit Sequence file is used to delete records for
employees whose information has been purged.
EMACHDEPST - The Employee ACH Account file is used to delete ACH records
tied to purged employees.
EMDEDMASTR - The Employee Deduction file is used to delete employee
deduction master records tied to purged employees.
EMDEPEND - The Employee Dependent file is used to delete employee
dependent records tied to purged employees.
EMDISTMAST - The Emp Acct Distribution Override file is used to delete
employee distribution master records tied to purged employees.
EMPAUTO - The Employee Automobiles file is used to delete employee auto
records tied to purged employees.
EMPCODES - The Emp/App Personnel Codes file is used to delete employee
personnel codes tied to purged employees.
EMPVISA - The Employee Travel and Visa file is used to delete employee
visa records tied to purged employees.
EMSTATUS - The Employee/Applicant Status file is used to verify that
employee status (EMP-EMP-APP = 0) is found and equal to PB(pay
with benefits) PN (pay with no benefits).
HREMPUSF - The Employee/Applicant User Fields file is accessed by this
HRUSERFLDS - The HR User Fields file is accessed by this report.
JOBAUTH - The Employee Job Authorization file is used to delete job
authority records tied to purged employees.
JOBCODE - The Job Code Parameters file is accessed by this report.
MILITARY - The Military Service History file is used to delete military
records tied to purged employees.
OSHA - The OSHA Incident History file is used to delete OSHA records
tied to purged employees.
PACOMMENTS - The Personnel Comments file is used to delete Personnel
Comments records tied to purged employees.
PACOURSE - The Courses file is accessed to retrieve the course
PADICT - The HR Systems Data Security file if option to print employee
profile is used, this file is used to display the data item
name in the personnel file history section.
PAEMERGCNT - The Employee Emergency Contacts file is used to delete
emergency contact information for purged employees.
PAEMPCOSTS - The Employee Costs file is used to delete employee training
information for employees whose records have been purged.
PAEMPPOS - The Employee Position file is used to delete personnel
employee position records tied to purged employees.
PAEMPTRACK - The Required Training file is used to delete employee training
tracks for purged employees.
PAMEDICAL - The Emp Medical and Work Desc Code file is used to delete
employee medical records tied to purged employees.
PAPEPAUDIT - The Employee Position Audit file is accessed to delete the
retroactive position job changes.
PAPOSERR - The Position Errors file is accessed to delete the position
change errors.
PAPOSITION - The Personnel Position Parameter file is used to modify -
subtract 1 from POS-NBR-FIL subtract PEP-POS-FTE from
PAREGISTER - The Registration Information file is used to delete employee
course registrations when employee information is purged.
PAREQLOG - The Job Requisition Logfile is accessed by this report.
PATHFIND - The Employee Report Writer Paths file is used to delete path
find records tied to purged employees.
PATRACK - The Tracks file is accessed to retrieve the track description
for the report.
PATRNHIST - The Training History file is used to delete employee training
history for employees whose records have been purged.
PCODES - The Human Resource Code file is used to modify - move zeroes
PERSACTHST - The Personnel Action History file is used to delete employee
history records tied to a purged employee.
PERSACTION - The Personnel Action file is used to verify that no pending
actions exist before purge.
PERSACTYPE - The Personnel Action Code file is used when personnel action
type exists, move to report; else, move 'not on file'. If
Printing Employee Profile, this is used to print Description of
Personnel Action.
PGEMPLOYEE - The Employee Group Employees file is used to delete personnel
group employee records tied to purged employees.
PLAN - The Benefit Plan file is accessed to retrieve the plan
description for the report.
PREMPSTATE - The Employee State file is used to delete
PRRATEHIST - The Employee Rate History file is used to delete pay rate and
salary information tied to purged employees.
PRRATES - The Alternate Pay Rates file is used to delete alternate pay
rate records from Alternate Pay Rates file for records tied to
purged employees.
PRSAGDTL - The Step and Grade Schedule Detail file is the step and grade
detail pay rate used for printing as part of Employee Profile.
PRSAGHEAD - The Step and Grade Schedule Header file is used to verify
grade range schedules and step and grade schedules.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the
QUARTDED - The Quarterly Deduction file is accessed by this report.
QUARTWAGE - The Quarterly Wage file is accessed by this report.
REVIEW - The Employee Performance Reviews file is used to delete review
records tied to purged employees.
SBBEN - The Savings Bond Beneficiary file is used to purge employee
records when employee information is purged.
TIMERECORD - The Employee Time Records file is used to verify that no time
records exist for employee before purge.
VESTHOURS - The vested hours file is used to delete employee records for
purged employees.
INVOKED Programs