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                             EMPCODES FILE

                        Emp/App Personnel Codes

The Emp/App Personnel Codes file is a multi-purpose file containing the
following records.

Employee and applicant certification
Employee company property
Employee and applicant education
Employee benefits
Employee and applicant relocation
Employee and applicant skill

Records in this file are differentiated by the values in the EPC-TYPE and
EPC-EMP-APP fields as described below. Many of the fields in this file have
different meanings depending on the type of record. This file is maintained by
the Personnel system.


HR15.1    HR155     HR170     HR511     HR55.2    HR650
HR70.1    HS11.1    HS12.1    HS13.1    HS14.1    HS50.1
HS50.2    HS50.3    HS50.4    HS51.1    HS51.2    HS52.1
HS52.2    PA02.1    PA13.1    PA13.2    PA216     PA220
PA221     PA222     PA224     PA225     PA227     PA231
PA234     PA235     PA236     PA238     PA262     PA263
PA311     PA502     PA513     PA62.1    PA63.1    PA64.1
PA64.2    PA65.1    PA65.2    TR120     TR121     TR20.1
TR20.2    TR20.3    PR110     PR113     PR120     PR13.1
PR13.5    PR13.6    PR13.8    HR04.2    HR04.3    HR04.7
HR04.8    HR80.1    HR80.2    HR80.3    HR80.4    HR80.5
HR80.6    HR80.7    HR80.8    HR80.9    HR81.1    HR81.2
HR81.3    HR81.4    HR81.5    HR81.6    HR81.7    HR81.8
HR81.9    HR82.1    HR82.2    HR82.3    HR82.4    HR82.5
HR82.6    HR82.7    HR82.8    HR82.9    HR83.1    HR83.2
HR83.3    HR83.4    HR83.5    HR83.6    HR83.7    HR83.8
HR83.9    HR84.1    HR84.2    HR84.3    HR84.4    HR84.5
HR84.6    HR84.7    HR84.8    HR84.9    HR85.1    HR85.2
HR85.3    HR85.4    HR85.5    HR85.6    HR85.7    HR85.8
HR86.1    HR86.2    HR86.3    HR86.4    HR86.5    HR86.6
HR86.7    HR86.8    HR86.9    HR87.1    HR87.2    HR87.3
HR87.4    HR87.5    HR87.6    HR87.7    HR87.8    HR87.9
HR88.1    HR88.2    HR88.3    HR88.4    HR88.5    HR88.6
HR88.7    HR89.1    HR89.2    HR89.3    HR89.4    HR89.5
HR89.6    HR89.7    PA594


HR54.1    HRS1.1    HRSC.1    PA100     PA102     PA120
PA16.1    PA20.1    PA21.1    PA22.1    PA24.1    PA25.1
PA27.1    PA34.1    PA35.1    PA36.1    PA38.1    PA52.1
PA52.3    PA52.4    PA52.5    PA520     PA54.1    TR21.1
TR22.1    TR26.1    TR500     PRSC.1    HR11.1    PA115


EPC-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   PA16.1  PA20.1
Company              Contains the company number represents      PA21.1  PA22.1
                     an  established company.                    PA24.1  PA25.1
                                                                 PA27.1  PA34.1
                                                                 PA35.1  PA36.1
                                                                 PA38.1  PA520
                                                                 TR21.1  TR22.1
                                                                 TR26.1  TR500

EPC-TYPE             Alpha 2                                     PA16.1  PA20.1
Type                 This field indicates the kind of            PA21.1  PA22.1
                     information stored in the record.           PA24.1  PA25.1
                     BN = Benefit Codes                          PA27.1  PA34.1
                     CE = Certifications                         PA35.1  PA36.1
                     CN = Contracts                              PA38.1  PA520
                     CP = Company Property                       TR21.1  TR22.1
                     ED = Education                              TR26.1  TR500
                     RL = Relocation
                     SK = Skills
                     AB = Ability
                     KN = Knowledge
                     OA = Other Attributes

EPC-EMP-APP          Numeric 1                                   HR54.1  HRS1.1
Type                 This field contains the employee            HRSC.1  HS50.1
                     applicant indicator.                        HS50.2  HS51.1
                     0 = Employee                                HS51.2  HS52.1
                     1 = Applicant                               HS52.2  PA100
                                                                 PA102   PA20.1
                                                                 PA21.1  PA22.1
                                                                 PA24.1  PA27.1
                                                                 PA34.1  PA35.1
                                                                 PA36.1  PA38.1
                                                                 PA52.1  PA52.3
                                                                 PA52.4  PA52.5
                                                                 PA520   PA54.1
                                                                 PRSC.1  TR120
                                                                 TR121   TR20.1
                                                                 TR20.2  TR20.3
                                                                 TR21.1  TR22.1
                                                                 TR26.1  TR500

EPC-EMPLOYEE         Numeric 9                                   HR54.1  HRS1.1
Employee             Contains the employee Number                HRSC.1  HS50.1
                                                                 HS50.2  HS51.1
                                                                 HS51.2  HS52.1
                                                                 HS52.2  PA100
                                                                 PA102   PA16.1
                                                                 PA20.1  PA21.1
                                                                 PA22.1  PA24.1
                                                                 PA25.1  PA27.1
                                                                 PA34.1  PA35.1
                                                                 PA36.1  PA38.1
                                                                 PA52.1  PA52.3
                                                                 PA52.4  PA52.5
                                                                 PA520   PA54.1
                                                                 PRSC.1  TR120
                                                                 TR121   TR20.1
                                                                 TR20.2  TR20.3
                                                                 TR21.1  TR22.1
                                                                 TR26.1  TR500

EPC-CODE             Alpha 10                                    PA16.1  PA20.1
Code                 This is the name of the code being          PA21.1  PA22.1
                     described.  All codes must be valid in      PA24.1  PA25.1
                     PCODES.  Valid values are:                  PA27.1  PA34.1
                                                                 PA35.1  PA36.1
                     ED = Education Degree.                      PA38.1  PA520
                     CP = Property.                              TR21.1  TR22.1
                     SK = Skill.                                 TR26.1  TR500
                     CE = Certification.
                     RL = Relocation.
                     BN = Benefit.

EPC-SUBJECT          Alpha 10                                    PA20.1  PA21.1
Subject              This field is only filled on "ED"           PA22.1  PA24.1
                     (education records) and contains the        PA27.1  PA34.1
                     subject for the degree.  The subject        PA35.1  PA36.1
                     code must be valid in PCODES.               PA38.1  PA520
                                                                 TR21.1  TR22.1
                                                                 TR26.1  TR500

EPC-SEQ-NBR          Numeric 4                                   HR54.1  HRS1.1
Sequence Number      This field is filled for "CP"               HRSC.1  PA100
                     (property), "ED" (education Degree), and    PA102   PA16.1
                     "SK" (skill) records only and is            PA20.1  PA21.1
                     automatically assigned.                     PA22.1  PA24.1
                                                                 PA27.1  PA34.1
                                                                 PA35.1  PA36.1
                                                                 PA38.1  PA52.1
                                                                 PA52.3  PA52.4
                                                                 PA52.5  PA520
                                                                 PA54.1  PRSC.1
                                                                 TR21.1  TR22.1
                                                                 TR26.1  TR500

EPC-DATE-ACQUIRED    Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       PA16.1  PA20.1
Date Acquired        Contains the following:                     PA21.1  PA22.1
                                                                 PA24.1  PA27.1
                     - the date the certificate was acquired,    PA34.1  PA35.1
                     - the date skill was acquired, or           PA36.1  PA38.1
                     - the date property was issued.             PA520   TR21.1
                                                                 TR22.1  TR26.1
                     This field is used only for CE              TR500
                     (Certifications), CP (Company Property),
                     and SK (Skill).

EPC-RENEW-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       PA16.1  PA20.1
License Renewal Date This field contains the following           PA21.1  PA22.1
                     information:                                PA24.1  PA27.1
                                                                 PA34.1  PA35.1
                     CE = Certificate renewal date.              PA36.1  PA38.1
                     CP = Anticipated return date.               PA520   TR21.1
                     ED = Degree completion date.                TR22.1  TR26.1
                     BN = Zeroes.                                TR500
                     RL = Zeroes.
                     SK = Date skill was last used.

EPC-PER-RATING       Signed 5.2                                  PA20.1  PA21.1
Performance Rating   This is a user-defined field and is         PA22.1  PA24.1
                     only filled for types "ED" (education       PA27.1  PA34.1
                     degree) and "SK" (skill).                   PA35.1  PA36.1
                                                                 PA38.1  PA520
                                                                 TR21.1  TR22.1
                                                                 TR26.1  TR500

EPC-INSTRUCTOR       Alpha 10                                    PA20.1  PA21.1
Instructor           This field contains the following           PA22.1  PA24.1
                     information:                                PA27.1  PA34.1
                                                                 PA35.1  PA36.1
                     CE = Spaces.                                PA38.1  PA520
                     CP = Spaces.                                TR21.1  TR22.1
                     ED = Education Institution.                 TR26.1  TR500
                     BN = Spaces.
                     RL = Spaces.
                     SK = Skill Instructor.

EPC-CO-SPONSORED     Alpha 1                                     PA20.1  PA21.1
Company Sponsored    This field is filled for types "CE"         PA22.1  PA24.1
                     (certification), "ED" (education            PA27.1  PA34.1
                     degree), and "SK" (skill).                  PA35.1  PA36.1
                     Y = Yes                                     PA38.1  PA520
                     N = No                                      TR21.1  TR22.1
                                                                 TR26.1  TR500

EPC-IN-PRO-FLAG      Alpha 1                                     PA20.1  PA21.1
In Process Flag      This field can contain the following        PA22.1  PA24.1
                     information:                                PA25.1  PA27.1
                                                                 PA34.1  PA35.1
                     CE = Spaces.                                PA36.1  PA38.1
                     CP = Spaces.                                PA520   TR21.1
                     ED = Education in process.                  TR22.1  TR26.1
                     BN = Dependent coverage.                    TR500
                     RL = Relocation status.
                     SK = Space.
                              (R - Requests transfer
                                     W - Will transfer
                                     N - Will not transfer)
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

EPC-LIC-NUMBER       Alpha 20                                    PA20.1  PA21.1
License Number       This field is filled only for "CE"          PA22.1  PA24.1
                     (certification) and contains the            PA27.1  PA34.1
                     certification license number.               PA35.1  PA36.1
                                                                 PA38.1  PA520
                                                                 TR21.1  TR22.1
                                                                 TR26.1  TR500

EPC-COST             Signed 11.2                                 PA20.1  PA21.1
Cost                 This field is filled only for "CE"          PA22.1  PA24.1
                     (certification) and contains the cost of    PA27.1  PA34.1
                     obtaining the certification.                PA35.1  PA36.1
                                                                 PA38.1  PA520
                                                                 TR21.1  TR22.1
                                                                 TR26.1  TR500

EPC-RENEWAL-CODE     Alpha 2                                     PA20.1  PA21.1
Renewal Cycle        This field is only filled for "CE"          PA22.1  PA24.1
                     (certification).                            PA27.1  PA34.1
                     2Y = 2 Years                                PA35.1  PA36.1
                     3Y = 3 Years                                PA38.1  PA520
                     4Y = 4 Years                                TR21.1  TR26.1
                     5Y = 5 Years
                     6Y = 6 Years
                     7Y = 7 Years
                     8Y = 8 Years
                     9Y = 9 Years
                     AN = Annual
                     QT = Quarterly
                     SA = Semi-annual

EPC-COMPONENT        Numeric 4                                   PA16.1  TR21.1
Component            This field is only filled for "CP"          TR22.1  TR26.1
                     (certification) and gives the component     TR500
                     number of the property issued.

EPC-PROP-VALUE       Signed 7.2                                  PA16.1  TR21.1
Property Value       This field is only filled for "CP"          TR22.1  TR26.1
                     (property) and gives the value of the       TR500
                     company property.

EPC-PA-ASSET-NBR     Alpha 9  (Lower Case)                       PA16.1  TR21.1
Pa Asset Nbr         Contains the asset number of the            TR22.1  TR26.1
                     property issued.                            TR500

EPC-DATE-RETURNED    Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       PA16.1  PA20.1
Date Returned        This field is only filled for "CP"          PA21.1  PA22.1
                     (property) and is the date the company      PA24.1  PA27.1
                     property was returned.                      PA34.1  PA35.1
                                                                 PA36.1  PA38.1
                                                                 PA520   TR21.1
                                                                 TR22.1  TR26.1

EPC-VERIFIED-FLAG    Alpha 1                                     PA20.1  PA21.1
Verified Flag        This field is only filled for "ED"          PA22.1  PA24.1
                     (education degree) for an applicant's       PA27.1  PA34.1
                     record.  It indicates if an applicant's     PA35.1  PA36.1
                     education degree has been verified.         PA38.1  PA520
                     N = No                                      TR21.1  TR22.1
                     Y = Yes                                     TR26.1  TR500

EPC-PRIORITY-CODE    Numeric 1                                   PA20.1  PA21.1
Priority Code        This field is only filled for "RL"          PA22.1  PA24.1
                     (relocation) and with the statuses of       PA27.1  PA34.1
                     "R" (requests transfer) or "W" (will        PA35.1  PA36.1
                     transfer).                                  PA38.1  PA520
                                                                 TR21.1  TR22.1
                                                                 TR26.1  TR500

EPC-SKILL-SOURCE     Alpha 10                                    PA20.1  PA21.1
Skill Source         This field is only filled for "SK"          PA22.1  PA24.1
                     (Skill).  The skill source must be valid    PA27.1  PA34.1
                     in PCODES.                                  PA35.1  PA36.1
                                                                 PA38.1  PA520
                                                                 TR21.1  TR22.1
                                                                 TR26.1  TR500

EPC-PROFIC-LEVEL     Alpha 10                                    PA20.1  PA21.1
Profic Level         Contains the proficiency level of the       PA22.1  PA24.1
                     skill.                                      PA27.1  PA34.1
                                                                 PA35.1  PA36.1
                                                                 PA38.1  PA520
                                                                 TR21.1  TR22.1
                                                                 TR26.1  TR500

EPC-OBJ-ID           Numeric 12                                  PA20.1  PA21.1
Object               This is the object identifier. It is        PA22.1  PA24.1
Identification       used to relate commitments or posted        PA27.1  PA34.1
                     transactions back to the originating        PA35.1  PA36.1
                     subsystems. Each subsystem record that      PA38.1  PA520
                     is updated as a commitment or posted        TR21.1  TR22.1
                     transaction is assigned an object           TR26.1  TR500
                     identifier. The object identifier is
                     maintained in the subsystem files and in
                     the Activity Commitments Detail and
                     Activity Transaction files. The object
                     identifier is a unique key used to drill
                     back from Activity Management to the

EPC-CURRENCY-CODE    Alpha 5                                     PA16.1  PA20.1
Currency Code        Contains the currency in which the cost     PA21.1  PA22.1
                     is recorded.                                PA24.1  PA27.1
                                                                 PA34.1  PA35.1
                                                                 PA36.1  PA38.1
                                                                 PA520   TR21.1
                                                                 TR22.1  TR26.1

EPC-CURR-ND          Numeric 1                                   PA16.1  PA20.1
Currency Number of   Represents the number of decimals           PA21.1  PA22.1
Decimals             defined for the currency of the object.     PA24.1  PA27.1
                                                                 PA34.1  PA35.1
                                                                 PA36.1  PA38.1
                                                                 PA520   TR21.1
                                                                 TR22.1  TR26.1

EPC-BASE-AMOUNT      Signed 15.2                                 PA16.1  PA20.1
Base Amount          Contains the amount in the company's        PA21.1  PA22.1
                     base currency.                              PA24.1  PA27.1
                                                                 PA34.1  PA35.1
                                                                 PA36.1  PA38.1
                                                                 PA520   TR21.1
                                                                 TR22.1  TR26.1

EPC-BASE-CURRENCY    Alpha 5                                     PA16.1  PA20.1
Base Currency        The company base currency.                  PA21.1  PA22.1
                                                                 PA24.1  PA27.1
                                                                 PA34.1  PA35.1
                                                                 PA36.1  PA38.1
                                                                 PA520   TR21.1
                                                                 TR22.1  TR26.1

EPC-BASE-ND          Numeric 1                                   PA16.1  PA20.1
Base Number Of       The number of decimal positions defined     PA21.1  PA22.1
Decimals             for the company base currency.              PA24.1  PA27.1
                                                                 PA34.1  PA35.1
                                                                 PA36.1  PA38.1
                                                                 PA520   TR21.1
                                                                 TR22.1  TR26.1

EPC-DATE-STAMP       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       PA16.1  PA20.1
Date Stamp           This field contains the server date         PA21.1  PA22.1
                     (month, date, and year) of the last         PA24.1  PA25.1
                     change to this record.                      PA27.1  PA34.1
                                                                 PA35.1  PA36.1
                                                                 PA38.1  PA520
                                                                 TR21.1  TR22.1
                                                                 TR26.1  TR500

EPC-TIME-STAMP       Numeric 6  (hhmmss)                         PA16.1  PA20.1
Time Stamp           Contains the server time (hour, minute,     PA21.1  PA22.1
                     and second) when the record was last        PA24.1  PA25.1
                     changed.                                    PA27.1  PA34.1
                                                                 PA35.1  PA36.1
                                                                 PA38.1  PA520
                                                                 TR21.1  TR22.1
                                                                 TR26.1  TR500

EPC-USER-ID          Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                      PA16.1  PA20.1
User ID Name         Contains the user ID of the person who      PA21.1  PA22.1
                     last changed this record.                   PA24.1  PA25.1
                                                                 PA27.1  PA34.1
                                                                 PA35.1  PA36.1
                                                                 PA38.1  PA520
                                                                 TR21.1  TR22.1
                                                                 TR26.1  TR500

EPC-STATE            Alpha 2                                     PA20.1  PA21.1
State or Province    This field contains the two-character       PA22.1  PA24.1
                     state code of the address.                  PA27.1  PA34.1
                                                                 PA35.1  PA36.1
                                                                 PA38.1  PA520
                                                                 TR21.1  TR22.1
                                                                 TR26.1  TR500

EPC-DESCRIPTION      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      PA20.1  PA21.1
Description          This field displays the description.        PA22.1  PA24.1
                                                                 PA27.1  PA34.1
                                                                 PA35.1  PA36.1
                                                                 PA38.1  PA520
                                                                 TR21.1  TR22.1
                                                                 TR26.1  TR500

EPC-WF-VERIFY        Derived
Wf Verify            This is a derived field.

                         EMPCODES FILE INDEX


EPCSET1   COMPANY                                                HR11.1  HR11.2
          TYPE                                                   HR15.1  HR155
          EMP-APP                                                HR170   HR511
          EMPLOYEE                                               HR54.1  HR55.2
          CODE                                                   HR650   HR70.1
          SUBJECT                                                HRS1.1  HRSC.1
          SEQ-NBR                                                HS11.1  HS12.1
                                                                 HS13.1  HS14.1
                                                                 HS50.1  HS50.2
                                                                 HS50.3  HS50.4
                                                                 HS51.1  HS51.2
                                                                 HS52.1  HS52.2
                                                                 PA02.1  PA100
                                                                 PA102   PA115
                                                                 PA120   PA13.1

EPCSET2   COMPANY                                                HR04.2  HR04.3
          TYPE                                                   HR04.7  HR04.8
          EMP-APP                                                HR80.1  HR80.2
          CODE                                                   HR80.3  HR80.4
          EMPLOYEE                                               HR80.5  HR80.6
          SUBJECT                                                HR80.7  HR80.8
          SEQ-NBR                                                HR80.9  HR81.1
                                                                 HR81.2  HR81.3
                                                                 HR81.4  HR81.5
                                                                 HR81.6  HR81.7
                                                                 HR81.8  HR81.9
                                                                 HR82.1  HR82.2
                                                                 HR82.3  HR82.4
                                                                 HR82.5  HR82.6
                                                                 HR82.7  HR82.8

EPCSET3   COMPANY       Subset                                   HR170   HR70.1
          EMP-APP       Where (TYPE = "AB" )                     TR21.1
          EMPLOYEE      Or    (TYPE = "KN" )
          TYPE          Or    (TYPE = "OA" )
          CODE          Or    (TYPE = "SK" )

EPCSET4   COMPANY       Subset                                   HR11.1  HR11.2
          TYPE          Where TYPE = "ED"                        HR15.1  HR155
          EMP-APP                                                HR511   HR54.1
          EMPLOYEE                                               HR55.2  HR650
          SUBJECT                                                HRS1.1  HRSC.1
          CODE                                                   PA02.1  PA100
          SEQ-NBR                                                PA102   PA13.1
                                                                 PA13.2  PA16.1
                                                                 PA20.1  PA21.1
                                                                 PA22.1  PA24.1
                                                                 PA262   PA263
                                                                 PA27.1  PA34.1
                                                                 PA35.1  PA36.1
                                                                 PA38.1  PA502
                                                                 PA513   PA52.1

EPCSET5   COMPANY       KeyChange, Subset                        PA20.1  PA22.1
          TYPE          Where TYPE = "ED"                        PA34.1  PA36.1

EPCSET6   OBJ-ID        Subset                                   TR21.1  TR22.1
          COMPANY       Where (OBJ-ID != Zeroes )                TR26.1  TR500

EPCSET7   COMPANY       KeyChange, Subset                        HS50.1  HS50.2
          EMP-APP       Where((TYPE != "BN" )                    HS51.1  HS51.2
          EMPLOYEE      And   (TYPE != "RL" ))                   HS52.1  HS52.2
          TYPE                                                   PA20.1  PA21.1
          CODE                                                   PA22.1  PA227
          DATE-ACQUIRED*                                         PA24.1  PA27.1
          SUBJECT                                                PA34.1  PA35.1
          SEQ-NBR                                                PA36.1  PA38.1
                                                                 PA520   PA594
                                                                 TR120   TR121
                                                                 TR20.1  TR20.2
                                                                 TR20.3  TR21.1
                                                                 TR22.1  TR26.1

                         EMPCODES FILE RELATIONS



Applicant      APPLICANT    Required
                            When EPC-EMP-APP = 1

                            EPC-COMPANY          -> APL-COMPANY
                            EPC-EMPLOYEE         -> APL-APPLICANT

Base Currency  CUCODES      Required
                            When (EPC-CURRENCY-CODE != Spaces )

                            EPC-BASE-CURRENCY    -> CUC-CURRENCY-CODE

Company        PRSYSTEM     Required

                            EPC-COMPANY          -> PRS-COMPANY
                            Spaces               -> PRS-PROCESS-LEVEL

Contract       PCODES       Required
                            When (EPC-TYPE = "CN" )

                            "C"                  -> PCO-TYPE
                            EPC-CODE             -> PCO-CODE

Currency       CUCODES      Required
                            When (EPC-CURRENCY-CODE != Spaces )

                            EPC-CURRENCY-CODE    -> CUC-CURRENCY-CODE

Employee       EMPLOYEE     Required
                            When EPC-EMP-APP = Zeroes

                            EPC-COMPANY          -> EMP-COMPANY
                            EPC-EMPLOYEE         -> EMP-EMPLOYEE

Hr Code        PCODES       Required

                            EPC-TYPE             -> PCO-TYPE
                            EPC-CODE             -> PCO-CODE

Institution    PCODES       Required
                            When EPC-TYPE       =  "ED"
                            And  EPC-INSTRUCTOR != Spaces

                            "EI"                 -> PCO-TYPE
                            EPC-INSTRUCTOR       -> PCO-CODE

Skill Source   PCODES       Required
                            When EPC-SKILL-SOURCE != Spaces

                            "SS"                 -> PCO-TYPE
                            EPC-SKILL-SOURCE     -> PCO-CODE

Subject        PCODES       Required
                            When EPC-SUBJECT != Spaces

                            "ES"                 -> PCO-TYPE
                            EPC-SUBJECT          -> PCO-CODE

                         EMPCODES FILE RELATIONS



Course Skills  PAATTRIB
                            Valid When EPC-TYPE = "SK"

                            EPC-TYPE             -> TRB-TYPE
                            EPC-CODE             -> TRB-CODE

Track Cert     PATRACK
                            Valid When EPC-TYPE = "CE"

                            EPC-CODE             -> TRA-CERT-ACHIEVED