PA231 - Applicant Profile
**Form Purpose
Run Applicant Profile (PA231) to print a list of applicant profile
The list shows information from PA31.1 (Applicant), PA32.1 (Reference),
PA33.1 (Applicant Job History), PA34.1 (Applicant Education), PA35.1
(Applicant Competencies), PA36.1 (Applicant Certification), PA38.1 (Applicant
Relocation), PA39.1 (Applicant Military Service), PA40.1 (Applicant Medical),
PA41.1 (Interviews) and applicant comments.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
APPJOBHIST - The Applicant Job History file is used to print job history.
APPLICANT - The Applicant file is used to verify applicant and print all
applicant information. Primary file printed on this report.
EMPCODES - The Emp/App Personnel Codes file is used to print applicant
EMSTATUS - The Employee/Applicant Status file is used to verify employees
HREMPUSF - The Employee/Applicant User Fields file is accessed by this
HRHISTORY - The HR History file is accessed to print the audit history.
HRUSERFLDS - The HR User Fields file is accessed by this report.
INTERVIEW - The Applicant Interview file is used to print interview data.
JOBCODE - The Job Code Parameters file is used to print job code.
MILITARY - The Military Service History file is used to print military
PACOMMENTS - The Personnel Comments file is used to print comments.
PADICT - The HR Systems Data Dictionary file is accessed to retrieve
the item name when printing the audit history.
PAJOBREQ - The Job Requisition file is accessed by this report.
PAPOSITION - The Personnel Position Parameter file is accessed by this
PAREQAPP - The Job Requisition Application file is accessed by this
PAREQLOG - The Job Requisition Logfile is accessed by this report.
PCODES - The Human Resource Code file is used to print HR codes.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the
REFERENC - The Applicant Reference file is used to print reference data.