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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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HR80.1 - National Occupational Category

**Form Purpose
Use Standard Industry Code (HR80.1) to define a SIC for use on Job Code

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by the program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields.

    HRUSERFLDS - One of the primary files updated by this program.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - Used to determine if HR codes or user fields have been used as
                 selection criteria for employee groups.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   -

HR80.2 - Union

**Form Purpose
Use Union (HR80.2) to define one or many UN (Union) type HR codes. Union
codes represent unions with which a company may have a relationship. You can
use union codes for deduction required codes.

**More Information
Assign union codes to employees in the Pay Distribution window of HR11.1
(Employee). From the Union field choose Define to access this window.

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by the program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields.

    HRUSERFLDS - One of the primary files updated by this program.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - Used to determine if HR codes or user fields have been used as
                 selection criteria for employee groups.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   -

HR80.3 - Bargaining Unit

**Form Purpose
Use Bargaining Unit (HR80.3) to assign bargaining unit type HR codes to
employees in the Work Information window of HR11.1 (Employee). From the
Bargaining Unit field, choose Define to access this window.

Use the Bargaining Unit window to define one or many BU (Bargaining Unit)
type HR codes that represent bargaining units within a union. Use a bargaining
unit code to indicate seniority, or an amount or type of work experience. HR
codes are not company-specific, you define them for the entire application.

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by the program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields.

    HRUSERFLDS - One of the primary files updated by this program.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - Used to determine if HR codes or user fields have been used as
                 selection criteria for employee groups.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   -

HR80.4 - Badge Code

**Form Purpose
Use Badge Code (HR80.4) to define SC (Badge Code) type HR codes. Badge codes
identify types or levels of security such as, access to buildings, areas, and
 so on.

**More Information
Assign Badge codes to employees in the Work Information window of HR11.1
(Employee). From the Badge Code field, choose Define to access this window.

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by the program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields.

    HRUSERFLDS - One of the primary files updated by this program.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - Used to determine if HR codes or user fields have been used as
                 selection criteria for employee groups.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   -

HR80.5 - Mail Group

**Form Purpose
Use Mail Group (HR80.5) to define one or many MG (Mail Group) type HR codes.
Mail groups can represent different mailing lists within a company. A mail
group may be classified by postal code for presorted mail, or by which
individuals receive certain updates or reports.

**More Information
Assign mail groups to employees in the Work Information window of HR11.1
(Employee). From the Mail Group field, choose Define to access this window.

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by the program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields.

    HRUSERFLDS - One of the primary files updated by this program.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - Used to determine if HR codes or user fields have been used as
                 selection criteria for employee groups.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   -

HR80.6 - Hire Source

**Form Purpose
Use Hire Source (HR80.6) to define one or many HS (Join Source) type codes
that represent the source from which the applicant or employee was recruited.
For example; newspaper, employee, specific employment agency, college
recruitment, and so on.

**More Information
Associate a hire source code with an employee in the Work Information window
of HR11.1 (Employee), and with an applicant, in PA31.1 (Applicant). From the
Hire Source field in the Work Information window of HR11.1, or PA31.1, choose
Define to access this window.

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by the program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields.

    HRUSERFLDS - One of the primary files updated by this program.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - Used to determine if HR codes or user fields have been used as
                 selection criteria for employee groups.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   -

HR80.7 - User Level

**Form Purpose
Use User Level (HR80.7) to define one or many UL (User Level) type HR codes
to use for grouping employees for payment sorting, reports, or personnel

**More Information
When defining a company, you define a user level name that displays as a
field in HR11.1 (Employee), where you assign a user level code to an employee.
From the defined user level field, choose Define to access this window.

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by the program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields.

    HRUSERFLDS - One of the primary files updated by this program.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - Used to determine if HR codes or user fields have been used as
                 selection criteria for employee groups.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   -

HR80.8 - Dependent Relationship

**Form Purpose
Use Relationship (HR80.8) to define DP (Dependent Relationship) type HR codes
that further identify the relationship of the dependent to the employee, for
example, spouse, daughter, son, and so on. HR codes are defined for the entire
application, they are not company-specific.

**More Information
Assign a dependent relationship code in HR13.1 (Dependent), to each dependent
defined for the employee. From the Relationship field, press Define to access
this window.

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by the program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields.

    HRUSERFLDS - One of the primary files updated by this program.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - Used to determine if HR codes or user fields have been used as
                 selection criteria for employee groups.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   -

HR80.9 - Primary Care Physician

**Form Purpose
Use Primary Care Physician (HR80.9) to define one or many PC (Primary Care
Doctor) type HR codes that identify a doctor.

**More Information
Assign a primary care doctor code to an employee in the Benefits window of
HR11.1 (Employee). In the Primary Care Doctor field press Define to access
this window.

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by the program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields.

    HRUSERFLDS - One of the primary files updated by this program.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - Used to determine if HR codes or user fields have been used as
                 selection criteria for employee groups.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   -