TR20.1 - Session Registration
**Form Purpose
Use Session Registration (TR20.1) to register employees in sessions or to
place them on a wait list. Before the system enrolls the employee in a
session, the system ensures the employee has met the course's prerequisites.
**More Information
If you use the wait list option, you can place employees on a wait list when
the class is full. If an employee cancels a registration or if you increase
the enrollment maximum, you can register an employee from the wait list into
the session.
The way you set up the Training Administration in TR00.1 (Training System
Options) affects the way TR20.1 handles registration situations.
Updated Files
PAREGISTER - The Registration Information file is used to store session
registration information.
PASESSION - The Sessions file is updated with enrollment information and
the session status.
The Sessions file is also accessed to find the maximum
enrollment and session dates.
Referenced Files
EMPCODES - The Emp/App Personnel Codes file is accessed to verify skills
and certifications.
EMPLOYEE - The Employee file is used to accessed to verify the adjusted
hire date, anniversary date, and hiring date.
HRSECLEV - The Employee Security Level file is accessed by this program.
PACOURSE - The Courses file is accessed to verify the course and to
retrieve course information.
PAEMPLOYEE - The Personnel Employee file is used to verify the seniority
PAEMPTRACK - The Required Training file is accessed to determine whether a
course or track is required for the employee.
PAMODOPT - The Training Options file is accessed to determine wait list
and registration options.
PAPREPROPT - The Prerequisite Options file is accessed to determine the
number of required and optional courses.
PAPREREQ - The Prerequisites file is accessed to determine if the course
prerequisites are met.
PATRACKDTL - The Track Courses file is accessed to determine if the course
is required for track.
PATRNHIST - The Training History file is accessed to determine if an
employee has completed course prerequisites.
PGEMPLOYEE - The Employee Group Employees file is accessed to verify
employee groups.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the
TR20.2 - Mass Registration
**Form Purpose
Use Mass Registration (TR20.2) to register employees from various companies
into a session or to place them on wait lists.
The form lets you scroll up or down through all the courses and sessions to
type registration information. This provides an efficient way to register many
employees from different companies into different courses and sessions.
Updated Files
PAREGISTER - The Registration Information file is used to store session
registration information.
PASESSION - The Sessions file is updated with the session status and with
session enrollment information.
The Sessions file is also accessed to determine the session
dates and the maximum enrollment.
Referenced Files
EMPCODES - The Emp/App Personnel Codes file is accessed to verify
certifications and employee skills.
EMPLOYEE - The Employee files is used to verify and retrieve the adjusted
hire date, anniversary date, and hiring date.
HRSECLEV - The Employee Security Level file is accessed by this program.
PACOURSE - The Courses file is accessed to verify the course and to
retrieve course information.
PAEMPLOYEE - The Personnel Employees file is used to verify the seniority
PAEMPTRACK - The Required Training file is accessed to display whether the
course or track is required for the employee.
PAMODOPT - The Training Options file is accessed to determine wait list
and registration options.
PAPREPROPT - The Prerequisite Options file is accessed to determine the
number of required and optional courses.
PAPREREQ - The Prerequisites file is accessed to retrieve prerequisite
PATRACKDTL - The Track Courses file is accessed by this program.
PATRNHIST - The Training History file is accessed by this program.
PGEMPLOYEE - The Employee Group Employees file is accessed to verify
employee groups.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the
TR20.3 - Session Registration Override
**Form Purpose
Use Session Registration Override (TR20.3) to bypass prerequisites,
enrollment limits, and course approval requirements when registering
**Processing Effect
TR20.3 does not check for prerequisites, enrollment limits, registration
start or end dates, or course approval.
Updated Files
PAREGISTER - The Registration Information file is used to store session
registration information.
PASESSION - The Sessions file is updated with enrollment information.
Referenced Files
EMPCODES - The Emp/App Personnel Codes file is accessed to verify skills
and certifications.
EMPLOYEE - The Employee file is used to verify the adjusted hire date,
anniversary date, and hiring date.
PACOURSE - The Courses file is accessed to verify the course and to
retrieve course information.
PAEMPLOYEE - The Personnel Employee file is used to verify the seniority
PAEMPTRACK - The Required Training file is accessed to display whether the
course is required.
PAMODOPT - The Training Options file is accessed to determine wait list
and registration options.
PAPREPROPT - The Prerequisite Options file is accessed to determine the
number of required an optional courses.
PAPREREQ - The Prerequisites file is accessed to determine prerequisite
PATRACKDTL - The Track Courses file is accessed by this program.
PATRNHIST - The Training History file is accessed to determine if an
employee has completed course prerequisites.
PGEMPLOYEE - The Employee Group file is accessed to verify employee groups.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the
INVOKED Programs