TR121 - Job Code Session Registration
**Form Purpose
Run Job Code Session Registration (TR121) to enroll all employees within a
job code into sessions.
You can see the results of an action without updating TR20.1 (Session
Registration) by selecting Report Only in the Update field and running TR121.
**Processing Effect
All employees with the job code are registered if they meet the course
requirements. If any one of the employees do not meet the course
prerequisites, none of the employees with the job code can be registered using
TR121. If you want to register the employees anyway, use TR20.3 (Registration
The report shows the employees who have not completed the prerequisites.
If the number of employees in a job code exceeds the enrollment maximum,
increase or remove the session enrollment maximum before you register the
Updated Files
CKPOINT - The Checkpoint file is the environment file used for recovery.
PAREGISTER - The Registration Information file is used to store session
registration information.
PASESSION - The Sessions file is updated with enrollment information and
the session status.
The Sessions file is also accessed to find the maximum
enrollment and session dates.
Referenced Files
EMPCODES - The Emp/App Personnel file is accessed to verify skills and
EMPLOYEE - The Employee file is accessed to verify the adjusted hire
date, anniversary date, and hiring date.
JOBCODE - The Job Codes file is accessed to verify the job code.
PACOURSE - The Courses file is accessed to verify the course and retrieve
course information.
PAEMPLOYEE - The Personnel Employee file is accessed to check the seniority
PAEMPTRACK - The Required Training file is accessed to determine whether a
course or track is required for the employee.
PAMODOPT - The Training Options file is accessed to check whether
employees can be confirmed for more than one session of the
same course.
PAPREPROPT - The Prerequisite Options file is accessed to check the number
of prerequisite options.
PAPREREQ - The Prerequisites file is accessed to determine if the course
prerequisites are met.
PATHFIND - The Employee Report Writer Paths file is referenced by the
employee group
PATRACKDTL - The Track Courses file is accessed to determine if the course
is required for a track.
PATRNHIST - The Training History file is accessed to determine if an
employee has completed course prerequisites.
PGEMPLOYEE - The Employee Group Employees file is accessed to verify
employee groups.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the
INVOKED Programs