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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


RW100 - Report Generation

**Form Purpose
Run Report Generation (RW100) to generate and print reports based on the
information defined in RW00.1 (Report Writer).

**More Information
Use RW200 (Report Listing) to view report information before you print it.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Used for report updates, not for restart.

    RATOTALS   - All total names used during processing will be updated to
                 current totals.

    RWDRILL    - This file is updated when used with the General Ledger Report
                 Writer drill around.

    RWREQUEST  - The last date printed is updated if the report is printed.

    ULTOTALS   - This file stores totals for an accounting unit list and an
                 account range.

Referenced Files

    CMPUTE     - Used for retrieving case codes and operation codes that are
                 used in a compute statement.

    CUCODES    - Used to validate currency codes.

    CUCONV     - Used to access currency exchange rates.

    CURELAT    - Used to access relationship records.

    GLADDRESS  - Used by a common routine.  This file is not used by this

    GLCGCPY    - Used to access companies associated with a company group.

    GLCHART    - Used to validate chart information.

    GLCHARTDTL - Used to retrieve account information.

    GLCHARTSUM - Used to access summary account information.

    GLCODES    - Used to validate the folder name and process group.

    GLCPYGRP   -

    GLMASTER   - Used to access account descriptions and amounts.

    GLNAMES    - Used for the accounting unit description and to retrieve the
                 variable levels associated with an accounting unit.

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to access company parameters.

    MLCALMAP   -


    MLLEDGER   -

    MXLISTHDR  - Used to access accounting unit list information.

    MXLISTMBR  - Used to access accounting units associated with an accounting
                 unit list.

    RWDICT     - Used to access case numbers used with heading dictionary names.

    RWFORMAT   - Used to access heading lines and column definitions.

    RWGRPDET   - Used to access ranges for accounts, subaccounts, or levels in
                 the case of an account, subaccount, or level group.

    RWHEADER   - Used to access values for heading data dictionary names.

    RWROWDET   - Used for row definitions.

    ULPOST     - Used to access the last posting date and time.

    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
