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GL124 - Mass Accounting Unit Addition

**Form purpose
Use Mass Accounting Unit Addition (GL124) to create accounting units for the
run group specified. This program adds error-free records from the accounting
unit template conversion file created by Acct Unit Template Conversion Load
(GL123) and updated by Template Accounting Unit Maintenanc3 (GL23.1).  Once
records are added, they are deleted from the accounting unit template
conversion program.

Run this program after you have run Acct Unit Template Conversion Load (GL123)
and modified the records as needed using Template Accounting Unit Maintenance

**Process at a glance
1.  Define an accounting unit template.
     1a.  Access this form and choose the New Template button to open Define
Accounting Unit  Template (GL14.6) and define the template header.
     1b.  Define the first-level accounting unit in the template using GL14.1.
     1c.  (Optional) Use the Accounts button to open Posting Accounts (GL14.2)
and assign accounts to the accounting unit.
     1d.  Repeat steps 1b and 1c until all the accounting units have been
added to the template.
2.  Create an accounting unit template conversion file for a company, using
Acct Unit Template Conversion Load  (GL123).
3.  Modify accounting unit information, using Template Accounting Unit
Maintenance (GL23.1).
4.  (This step) Add accounting units to the company, using Mass Accounting
Unit Addition (GL124).

**Required fields
The Job Name, Job Description, and Run Group fields are required.

If you want to see a listing of what records would be updated by the program
without actually updating the records, select N (No Report Only) in the Update

If you select A (All) in the Update field, the program will update records
only if all the records are error free, and it will produce an error report.

If you select P (Partial) in the Update field, the program will add only
error-free  records and produce a report.

To correct errors, you can use Template Accounting Unit Maintenance (GL23.1).
If errors can only be corrected in the template itself, you can delete the
record created by GL123 by running GL123 with D (Delete) in the Action field,
modify the template using Accounting Unit Template  Definition (GL14.1), and
repeat steps 2 to 4 of "Process at a glance."

**More help
Once the accounting units are added to the company, they become part of the
company structure and can be modified using Accounting Units-Accounts

Updated Files


    CKPOINT    -




    GLMASTER   -

    GLNAMES    -

    MXOBJCAT   -

Referenced Files


    CUCODES    -






    GLCGCPY    -

    GLCHART    -


    GLCODES    -

    GLSYSTEM   -


    MXCATDEF   -






    TRCODES    -

    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
