Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


PR20.1 - Pay Class

**Form Purpose
Use Pay Class (PR20.1) to define pay classes. A pay class represents a group
of pay summary groups to which the system applies special edits or

**Processing Effect
The system automatically creates in this form, pay classes for overtime,
noncash, and tips that you define in the Payroll form tab in HR00.1 (Company).

The system performs an edit to prevent time record entry of pay codes tied to
an overtime pay class, for employees with exempt employee status defined in
the Pay form tab in HR11.1 (Employee).

Noncash pay represents noncash income to the employee. Before calculating a
net payment, the system subtracts all gross amounts tied to the noncash pay

The tips pay class provides an edit that lets you enter both hours and
amounts on time records without being multiplied together. If you use the
Lawson Tips system, a tips pay class is required.

**More Information
When you define a deduction in PR05.1 (Deduction), you can include a portion
of the employee's pay rather than total gross pay by selecting a pay class
that is tied to the pay summary groups you want to include in the deduction
calculation. You can define the deduction as a percent of the amount
associated with the pay class or as an amount per pay class hour.

You can use pay classes in the Lawson Time Accrual system to track specific
types of pay such as vacation, sick, or holiday pay, and in the Lawson
Benefits system to determine benefit eligibility.

Updated Files

    PAYCLASS   - The primary file maintained by this program.

Referenced Files

    DEDCODE    - Used to verify if a pay class is tied to a deduction. You
                 cannot delete a pay class if a deduction is tied to it..

    PLAN       - Used to verify that no benefits exist. You cannot delete a
                 plan if benefits are tied to that plan.

    PRSYSTEM   - Used to validate the company.

    PSGRELATE  - Used to validate relationship between pay class and pay
                 summary group. You cannot delete a pay class if a relationship
                 exists between the pay class and a pay summary group.

PR20.2 - Pay Summary Group

**Form Purpose
Use Pay Summary Group (PR20.2) to define pay summary groups. A pay summary
group represents a group of pay codes. The system stores all pay history by
pay summary group.

**Processing Effect
Pay summary groups determine how pay is stored in history, how it is taxed,
and how it prints on payments, direct deposit receipts, and reports. Pay
summary groups also determine if straight time hours and pay, and premium pay
are eligible to be included in the calculation of an employee's regular rate
for overtime. Whether the premium portion of pay is eligible to be credited
toward total overtime due, is also determined by the pay summary group.
Through pay summary groups, you can also identify tips pay for tracking in the
Lawson Tips system.

**More Information
Define a pay summary group for each type of pay you want to print separately
on payments, direct deposit receipts, or payroll reports.

You must assign a pay summary group to each pay code defined in PR20.4 (Pay
Code). You can associate multiple pay codes with one pay summary group to
print one total.

Updated Files

    PAYSUMGRP  - The primary file maintained by this program.

    PSGTAXES   - Used to validate and update pay summary group tax information.


Referenced Files


    PRPAYCODE  - Used for editing on a Delete function. You cannot delete a pay
                 summary group if pay codes are tied to it.

    PRSYSTEM   - Used to validate the company and process level.

    PSGRELATE  - Used to validate relationship between pay class and pay
                 summary group. You cannot delete a pay class if a relationship
                 exists between the pay class and a pay summary group.

    PSGTAXES   - Used to validate and update pay summary group tax information.


PR20.3 - Pay Summary Group Relationship

**Form Purpose
Use Pay Summary Group Relationship (PR20.3) to tie pay summary groups to pay
classes to apply special edits or calculations.

You can tie a pay summary group to more than one pay class to apply different
edits and calculations. If a pay summary group does not require special edits
or calculations, you do not need to define a relationship with a pay class.

Updated Files

    PSGRELATE  - The primary file maintained by this program.

Referenced Files

    PAYCLASS   - Used to validate the pay class.

    PAYSUMGRP  - Used to validate the pay summary group.

    PRSYSTEM   - Used to validate the company and process level.

PR20.4 - Pay Code

**Form Purpose
Use Pay Code (PR20.4) to define a pay code. A pay code represents a type of
pay, how it is calculated, and where it is expensed in the general ledger.

**Processing Effect
History is stored according to the pay summary group and the pay code.

Updated Files

    ABPAYOPT   -

    PRPAYCODE  - The primary file maintained by this program.

Referenced Files


    CUCODES    -

    FLEXPLAN   - Checks pay summary group for tie to benefits.

    GLINTCO    -

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate the general ledger company.

    JOBCODE    - Used to validate the job code.

    PAYCLASS   -

    PAYSUMGRP  - Used to validate the pay summary group.

    PLAN       - Used to verify that no benefits exist. You cannot delete a
                 plan if benefits are tied to that plan.




    PRSYSTEM   - Used to validate the company and process level.

    PSGRELATE  - Edits for any previously defined relationships.

    TIMERECORD - Edits for active time records before deleting a pay code or
                 setting a flag in the Pay Code Parameters file.

    TMLEAVE    -


PR20.5 - Tax Exemptions

**Form Purpose
Use Tax Exemptions (PR20.5) to identify tax deductions from which a specific
pay summary group is either exempt from taxes, or is subject to update taxable
wages only.

For example, sick pay is not subject to state unemployment taxes in certain
states. You can use this form to identify the pay summary group representing
sick pay as exempt from the deduction for state unemployment tax.

For noncash pay summary groups, you can specify that taxable wages are
updated by the amount of the noncash pay summary group, but no tax is

Updated Files

    TAXIDEXMP  - Used to display current exemptions

Referenced Files

    DEDCODE    - Used to validate the deduction.

    PAYSUMGRP  - Used to validate the pay summary group.

    PRSYSTEM   - Used to validate the company and process level.

PR20.6 - Tax Overrides

**Form Purpose
Use Tax Overrides (PR20.6) to define tax overrides for specific pay summary

Updated Files

    PSGTAXES   - Used to validate and update pay summary group tax information.

Referenced Files

    PAYSUMGRP  - Used to validate the pay summary group.

    PRSYSTEM   - Used to validate the company and process level.

PR20.7 - Overtime Premium Expense Table

**Form Purpose
Use Overtime Premium Expense Table (PR20.7) to define the expense accounts to
which overtime expenses for particular job codes will be posted. You can
define expense accounts (and sub-accounts, if necessary) for unlimited job
codes connected with a pay code.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    JOBCODE    -


INVOKED Programs
