FB121 - Intercompany Mass Budgeting
**Form Purpose
Run Intercompany Mass Budgeting (FB121) to copy multiple budgets from one
company to another. This provides a quick and easy way to create a new budget
that is similar to an existing one. The companies you use must have a
relationship defined in GL25.1 (Intercompany Relationships).
**More Information
Variable levels are copied from one budget to another one at a time.
If the From company and To company have the same company structure:
- You can copy budgets to the same variable levels in the To company.
- You can copy budgets to a specific variable level by selecting a level in
the Destination field.
If the From company and To company have a different company structure:
- Budgets selected in the variable level range and account range are copied
to the variable level defined in the Destination field.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - Used for restart capability.
FBDETAIL - This file stores the copied posting account budget balances
created by this program.
FBHEADER - This file stores the copied budget created by this program.
GLCONSOL - This file stores the consolidated account budget balances.
Referenced Files
GLADDRESS - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
program. This file is not used by this program.
GLCHART - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
program. This file is not used by this program.
GLNAMES - Used to validate the existence of an accounting unit.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate the existence of a company.
RWUSER - Used to validate authorized users.
INVOKED Programs