GL43.1 - Daily Transaction Analysis
**Form Purpose
Use Daily Transaction Analysis (GL43.1) to view posted transactions for a
specific date or range of dates for a company, accounting unit, account, base
currency, and report currency. The base currency amount always displays.
This program displays four columns. The date displays in column one, base
currency amounts display in column two, report currency 1 amounts display in
column 3, and report currency 2 amounts displays in the last column.
Note You can only view transactions for accounts that you selected Yes to in
the Account Daily Balance field in GL00.5 (Summary Account Options) or GL00.4
(Account Information) in GL00.1 (Chart of Accounts). If this flag was set to
No before you posted, daily transaction amounts do not display. Set this flag
to Yes before you post.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
CUAMOUNTX - This file is used to validate report currency balances.
GLADDRESS - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
program. This file is not used by this program.
GLAMOUNTSX - The General Ledger Amounts-Daily file contains daily account
balances by accounting unit, account, and subaccount for the
date specified.
GLCHART - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
program. This file is not used by this program.
GLCHARTDTL - Used to validate the existence of a detail account.
GLNAMES - Used to validate the existence of an accounting unit.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate the existence of a company.
GLUNITSX - The General Ledger Units - Daily file contains debit and
credit unit balance information by accounting unit, account,
and subaccount for the date
INVOKED Programs