IC270 - Count Sheets
**Form Purpose
Run Count Sheets (IC270) to print count sheets and/or tags for a select ID.
You must create a freeze file for the select ID in IC170 (Freeze Selected
Items) before you can run this program.
**More Information
A freeze file is a snapshot of item records for a select ID defined in IC70.1
(Select IDs). Performing cycle counts using the Physical Inventory application
involves several steps.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
BINGROUP - Used to retrieve the bin group description.
ICCOMPANY - Used to validate the company number.
ICFREEZE - Used to validate the select ID.
ICLOCATION - Used to retrieve the location name.
ICSELECT - Used to retrieve the default values, and print the freeze date
and time.
ITEMMAST - Used to obtain the item descriptions.