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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms

                             ICSELECT FILE

                               Select ID

The Select ID file stores valid select IDs, which are used to determine the
items to be frozen for counting for the physical inventory process.


IC270     IC271     IC78.1


IC170     IC175     IC179     IC574     IC70.1    IC72.1
IC73.1    IC74.1    IC76.1


ICS-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   IC70.1
Company              The company number represents an
                     established company and is entered on
                     all function codes.

ICS-SELECT-ID        Alpha 5                                     IC70.1
Select ID            This field contains select IDs, which
                     identify groups of items and item
                     selection criteria for inventory counts.
                     Select IDs can be used cyclically.

ICS-DESCRIPTION      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      IC70.1
Description          This field contains the user-defined of
                     the select ID.

ICS-PG-TOT-REQ-FL    Alpha 1                                     IC70.1
Page Total Required  This field contains the option to
Flag                 require the entry of a page total when
                     entering actual counts in IC72.1 (Counts
                     by Page).
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

ICS-UOM-REQ-FL       Alpha 1                                     IC70.1
Require Entry of     This field contains the option to
UOM Flag             require a unit of measure when entering
                     item count quantities.
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

ICS-QTY-REQ-FL       Alpha 1                                     IC70.1
Quantity Required    This field contains the option to
Flag                 require a count for each item or to have
                     the freeze quantity default in the count
                     quantity field.
                     N = No, Qty is not req at entry
                     Y = Yes, Qty is req at entry time

ICS-ALL-LOC-FL       Alpha 1                                     IC70.1
All Locations Flag   This field contains the option to
                     choose all locations within a company.
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

ICS-BY-LOGIC-FL      Alpha 1                                     IC70.1
Select By Logic Flag This field indicates whether parameters
                     were selected from the logic form.
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

ICS-FREEZE-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       IC170
Freeze Date          This field contains the system date
                     when Freeze Selected Items (IC170) was
                     last run for a selected ID.

ICS-FREEZE-TIME      Numeric 6                                   IC170
Freeze Time          This field contains the system time
                     when Freeze Selected Items (IC170) was
                     last run for a selected ID.

ICS-UPDATE-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       IC170   IC175
Update Date          This field contains the system date
                     when Update Variances (IC175) was last
                     run in update mode for a selected ID.

ICS-UPDATE-TIME      Numeric 6                                   IC170   IC175
Update Time          This field contains the system time
                     when Update Variances(IC175) was last
                     run in update mode for a selected ID.

ICS-FREEZE-PAGES     Numeric 4                                   IC170   IC574
Nbr of Freeze Pages  This field contains total number of         IC74.1
                     count sheets created by Freeze Selected
                     Items (IC170).

ICS-FREEZE-LINES     Numeric 6                                   IC170   IC574
Nbr of Freeze Lines  This field contains the total number of     IC73.1  IC74.1
                     freeze lines (records) on the freeze
                     file for a selected ID.

ICS-ENTERED-LINES    Numeric 6                                   IC170   IC175
Number of Entered    This field contains the total number of     IC179   IC574
Lines                lines processed by a count entry form.      IC72.1  IC73.1

ICS-UNEXPL-LINES     Numeric 6                                   IC170   IC574
Unexplained Lines    This field contains the total number of     IC72.1  IC73.1
                     lines processed by a count entry form       IC74.1  IC76.1
                     for which count variances were left
                     unexplained with no reason code.

ICS-LAST-MAN-LINE    Numeric 2                                   IC170   IC175
Last Manual Line     This field is used in IC74.1 (Random        IC179   IC574
                     Counts) for assigning line numbers when     IC73.1  IC74.1
                     creating new records.

ICS-STATUS           Numeric 1                                   IC170   IC175
Status               This field contains the current             IC179   IC73.1
                     processing status.
                     0 = Select ID Not In Use
                     1 = Select ID In Use (IC170 Run)
                     2 = Select ID Updated (IC175 Run)

ICS-REPORT-GRP       Alpha 5                                     IC70.1
Report Group         This field contains a report group
                     defined in IC03.1 (Report Group). Report
                     groups are used to classify locations
                     for reporting, inquiry, and processing

ICS-INVEN-MAJCL      Alpha 4 Occurs 20 Times                     IC70.1
Inventory Major      This field contains a major inventory
Class                class, which is used to identify a group
                     of inventory items. Major inventory
                     classes are defined in IC06.1 (Inventory
                     Class) and assigned to items in IC11.1
                     (Item Master) or IC10.2 (Item Master and

ICS-INVEN-MINCL      Alpha 4 Occurs 20 Times                     IC70.1
Inventory Minor      This field contains a minor inventory
Class                class, which is used to identify a group
                     of inventory items. Inventory classes
                     are defined within a major inventory
                     class in IC06.1 (Inventory Class) and
                     assigned to items in IC11.1 (Item
                     Master) or IC10.2 (Item Master and

ICS-BIN-GROUP        Alpha 7 Occurs 20 Times                     IC70.1
Bin Group            This field contains a group of bins
                     defined in IC15.3 (Bin Groups). Bins are
                     setup in IC15.2 (Bins) and assigned to
                     items set up for bin tracking in IC12.1
                     (Item Location) or IC10.2 (Item Master
                     and Location).

ICS-FRZ-EMPTY-BINS   Alpha 1                                     IC70.1
Freeze Empty Bins    This field indicates whether Freeze
                     Selected Items (IC170) creates empty bin
                     records for a selected ID. If records
                     are created, the bins must be physically
                     checked to see that they are empty (as
                     indicated by the system).
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

ICS-ITEM             Alpha 32 Occurs 36 Times                    IC70.1
Item Number          This field contains the item identifier
                     selected for physical inventory count.

ICS-STOCK-OUT-FL     Alpha 1                                     IC70.1
Stock Out Flag       This field contains the option to
                     select items with an available quantity
                     less than zero.
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

ICS-NEG-SOH-FL       Alpha 1                                     IC70.1
Select Negative SOH  This field contains the option to
Flag                 select items with a negative
                     stock-on-hand quantity.
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

ICS-TRANS-COUNT      Numeric 5                                   IC70.1
Nbr Transaction      This field contains the option to
Since Last Cnt       select items according to the number of
                     transactions created since the items
                     were last counted.

ICS-CNT-ACCURACY     Signed 5.1                                  IC70.1
Count Accuracy       The count accuracy is based on the last
Percent              physical inventory count. The actual
                     count is divided by the freeze quantity.
                     Only items found with a count accuracy
                     that is less that the percent specified
                     are selected for physical inventory

ICS-CYCLE-DAYS       Numeric 3                                   IC70.1
Cycle Counting by    This field contains the option to
Days                 select items according to the number of
                     days they have not been counted.

ICS-NBR-ITEMS        Numeric 4                                   IC70.1
Number of Items      This field contains the option to limit
                     the number of items counted to a
                     specific number.

ICS-FRZ-ZERO-SOH     Alpha 1                                     IC70.1
Freeze Zero Stock    This field contains the option to
On Hand              select items with a stock-on-hand
                     quantity of zero.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

ICS-FRZ-ZERO-UCOST   Alpha 1                                     IC70.1
Freeze Zero Unit     This field contains the option to
Cost                 select items with a unit cost of zero.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

ICS-SEL-1-ITEMS      Alpha 1                                     IC70.1
Select Class 1       This field contains the option to set
Items to Count       selection criteria for movement class 1
                     X = Count Items In This Class

ICS-SEL-2-ITEMS      Alpha 1                                     IC70.1
Select Class 2       This field contains the option to set
Items to Count       selection criteria for movement class 2
                     X = Cont Items In This Class

ICS-SEL-3-ITEMS      Alpha 1                                     IC70.1
Select Class 3       This field contains the option to set
Items to Count       selection criteria for movement class 3
                     X = Count Items In This Class

ICS-SEL-X-ITEMS      Alpha 1                                     IC70.1
Select Class X       This field contains the option to set
Items to Count       selection criteria for special class X
                     X = Count Items In This Class

ICS-ACCURACY-1       Signed 5.1                                  IC70.1
Class 1 Item         This field contains the option to
Accuracy Cutoff      select movement class 1 items with an
                     accuracy less than this percent.

ICS-ACCURACY-2       Signed 5.1                                  IC70.1
Class 2 Item         This field contains the option to
Accuracy Cutoff      select movement class 2 items with an
                     accuracy less than this percent.

ICS-ACCURACY-3       Signed 5.1                                  IC70.1
Class 3 Item         This field contains the option to
Accuracy Cutoff      select movement class 3 items with an
                     accuracy less than this percent.

ICS-ACCURACY-X       Signed 5.1                                  IC70.1
Class X Item         This field contains the option to
Accuracy Cutoff      select special class X items with an
                     accuracy less than this percent.

ICS-NBR-1-ITEMS      Numeric 4                                   IC70.1
Number of Class 1    This field contains the option to
Items                choose a maximum number of items in
                     movement class 1.

ICS-NBR-2-ITEMS      Numeric 4                                   IC70.1
Number of Class 2    This field contains the option to
Items                choose a maximum number of items in
                     movement class 2.

ICS-NBR-3-ITEMS      Numeric 4                                   IC70.1
Number of Class 3    This field contains the option to
Items                choose a maximum number of items in
                     movement class 3.

ICS-NBR-X-ITEMS      Numeric 4                                   IC70.1
Nbr Special Cycle    This field contains the option to
Count Items          choose a maximum number of items in
                     special class X.

ICS-CYCLE-DAYS-1     Numeric 4                                   IC70.1
Class 1 Items Cycle  This field contains the option to
Days                 select movement class 1 items that have
                     not been counted for a certain number of

ICS-CYCLE-DAYS-2     Numeric 4                                   IC70.1
Class 2 Items Cycle  This field contains the option to
Days                 select movement class 2 items that have
                     not been counted for a certain number of

ICS-CYCLE-DAYS-3     Numeric 4                                   IC70.1
Class 3 Items Cycle  This field contains the option to
Days                 select movement class 3 items that have
                     not been counted for a certain number of

ICS-CYCLE-DAYS-X     Numeric 4                                   IC70.1
Class X Items Cycle  This field contains the option to
Days                 select special class X items that have
                     not been counted for a specific number
                     of days.

ICS-CONSIGNMENT-ST   Numeric 1                                   IC70.1
Consignment St       0 = Include Consignment Items
                     1 = No Consignment Items
                     2 = Only Consignment Items

                         ICSELECT FILE INDEX


ICSSET1   COMPANY                                                IC170   IC175
          SELECT-ID                                              IC179   IC270
                                                                 IC271   IC574
                                                                 IC70.1  IC72.1
                                                                 IC73.1  IC74.1
                                                                 IC76.1  IC78.1

                         ICSELECT FILE RELATIONS



Company        ICCOMPANY    Required

                            ICS-COMPANY        -> ICC-COMPANY

Itemmast       ITEMMAST     Required

                            ICC-ITEM-GROUP     -> ITE-ITEM-GROUP
                            ICS-ITEM           -> ITE-ITEM

Majorcl        MAJORCL      Required

                            ICC-ITEM-GROUP     -> MAJ-ITEM-GROUP
                            "I"                -> MAJ-CLASS-TYPE
                            ICS-INVEN-MAJCL    -> MAJ-MAJOR-CLASS

Minorcl        MINORCL      Required

                            ICC-ITEM-GROUP     -> MIN-ITEM-GROUP
                            "I"                -> MIN-CLASS-TYPE
                            ICS-INVEN-MAJCL    -> MIN-MAJOR-CLASS
                            ICS-INVEN-MINCL    -> MIN-MINOR-CLASS

                         ICSELECT FILE RELATIONS



Freeze         ICFREEZE     Delete Restricted

                            ICS-COMPANY        -> ICF-COMPANY
                            ICS-SELECT-ID      -> ICF-SELECT-ID