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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


IC78.1 - Select ID Status

**Form Purpose
Use Select ID Status (IC78.1) to view existing select IDs for a company. To
view the select ID status, enter the company. In the In Use Only field, select
Yes to view only those select IDs currently in use. Select No to view all
select IDs.

Select IDs are used to identify items selected for inventory count in IC70.1
(Select ID) and are considered in use when they are selected for freeze in
IC170 (Freeze Selected Items). After item counts are entered in IC72, IC73, or
IC74, and when IC175 (Update Variances) is run in update mode or when IC179
(Delete Freeze Records) is run, select IDs are deleted and considered no
longer in use.

**More Information
This inquiry lists use status, select ID, freeze date/time, number of pages,
number of item lines, and update date. Also, if the select ID was updated in
IC175 (Update Variances), this form displays the number of lines for which a
count variance was left unexplained by reason code.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    -

Referenced Files

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the existence of the company number.

    ICSELECT   - Contains the select IDs for a company.