IC45.1 - Stock Status
**Form Purpose
Use Stock Status (IC45.1) view item availability based on supply and demand.
This form displays available, supply, demand, and stock-on-hand quantities. It
also lists incoming transactions beginning with the most recent date. The
available quantity is based on the available calculation selected for the
company in IC01.1 (Company). Supply quantities are based on quantities
currently on-order and intransit. Demand quantities are based on allocated,
unallocated, and backorder quantities.
You can choose the unit of measure by which to view quantities. To view units
of measure for that item, select the Detail action in the Item field.
If the Display UOM field is left blank, this form uses the stock unit of
measure for normal items and the secondary unit of measure for catch weight
**Processing Effect
Transaction records are based on intransit receivings (IR), order entry (OE),
purchase orders (PO), requisitions (RQ), and work orders (WO). This form
displays the transaction type, document ID, transaction line, open transaction
quantity, and projected stock-on-hand. The available quantity is calculated on
a cumulative basis to determine projected stock-on-hand quantities. Also,
depending on the transaction type this form includes the vendor, customer, or
location name and the shipment or delivery date.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - This file is used in the event of a program or system failure
to enable a batch update program to continue from where it left
ICCOMPANY - Used to validate the existence of the company.
ITEMLOC - Used to display quantities for the location.
Referenced Files
APCOMPANY - Used to validate the Accounts Payable company and obtain the
vendor group.
APVENGROUP - Used to validate the vendor group, in an Accounts Payable
common routine.
GLCODES - Used in a General Ledger common routine.
ICBIN - Used to obtain bin number information.
ICCATEGORY - Used to retrieve account numbers.
ICLOCATION - Used to validate the existence of the location.
ITEMMAST - Used to validate the item number and display the description
and unit of measure.
POLINE - Used to obtain the open purchase order data.
WHDEMAND - The Demand file contains all the records that the Warehouse
system needs for processing demands.
WHDEMNDHDR - The Demand Header file contains document header records.
INVOKED Programs