RQ235 - Issues Audit List
**Form Purpose
Run Issues Audit List (RQ235) to print a detail audit list of all requisition
transactions from the "from" location to the requesting locations. The report
includes both Inventory and noninventory transactions. It is similar to the
online inquiry RQ50.1 (Issues History).
You can request all transactions for the following: from location,
requesting location, and for a date range.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
GLADDRESS - Used in a General Ledger common routine.
GLCHART - Contains chart and system account information in the General
Ledger system including retained earnings, undistributed
retained earnings, error suspense, and gain/loss account
GLSYSTEM - Used in a General Ledger common routine.
ICCOMPANY - Used to edit the company number and print the company name.
ICLOCATION - Used to edit the location code.
ITEMLOC - Used to validate an item from a specific location.
ITEMMAST - Used to print the item description.
REQLINE - Used to gather line information from a certain requisition.
RQLOC - Used to print the requesting location name.
RQTRANS - Used to print the transaction detail data.
INVOKED Programs