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                             OEINVOICE FILE


This file stores invoice records created automatically when processing an
order through OE129 (Daily Shipment Journal) and those created manually when
entering an invoice on BL20.1 (Invoice Entry) or a return on BL30.1 (Recurring


AR21.6    AR31.5    AR42.2    AR42.7    WH20.2    WH20.7
AR08.1    AR10.1    AR501     AR550




OEI-COMPANY            Numeric 4
Element: Company       The company number represents an
                       established company and is entered on
                       all function codes.

OEI-INVC-PREFIX        Alpha 2
Element: Invoice PrefixThis field contains the invoice prefix
                       that is assigned from either the company
                       or process level, depending on the
                       invoice-level option chosen.

OEI-INVC-NUMBER        Numeric 8
Element: Invc Number   The invoice number assigned by the
                       system. Invoice numbers are assigned at
                       the company or process level, depending
                       on the company setting.

OEI-BATCH-NBR          Numeric 6
Element: Batch Number  The batch to which the invoices and
                       credit memos belong. The system assigns
                       the batch when the records are added.
                       You can specify a control total on each
                       batch by using BL29.1 (Batch Control)
                       after  the batch has been added and
                       entering  the totals that must equal the
                       detail  entered in the batch before
                       releasing  the batch.

Element: Process Level This field contains the process level,
                       which is the reporting hierarchy below

OEI-LOCATION           Alpha 5
Element: Location Code Enter the inventory ship-from location.
                       This location is used for pricing
                       (prices can vary by location) and as a
                       reference when a return to stock
                       situation exists. The location entered
                       here will default to the invoice line

OEI-ORIG-INVC-PRE      Alpha 2
Element: Invoice PrefixThis field contains the prefix of the
                       original invoice against which the
                       return is being made.

OEI-ORIG-INVC-NBR      Numeric 8
Element: Invc Number   This field contains the number of the
                       original invoice against which the
                       return is being made.

OEI-AUTO-APP-FL        Alpha 1
Element: Auto App Fl   Automatically applies this credit memo
                       to the original invoice.
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

OEI-BILL-TO            Numeric 4
Element: Ship-to Code  This field contains the mailing address
                       for this invoice.

OEI-CUSTOMER           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)
Element: Customer NumbeEnter the customer identifier, which
                       represents the customer for which the
                       invoice is being created.

OEI-SHIP-TO            Numeric 4
Element: Ship-to Code  Enter the customer's ship-to location
                       (the mailing address for the goods).

OEI-AR-DETAIL          Alpha 1
Element: Ar Detail     Flag to indicate whether detail
                       postings are to be made to Accounts
                       A = Multiple Activities
                       M = Mixed sign - Multiple Activity
                       N = No Detail
                       S = Mixed Sign

OEI-INVC-TYPE          Alpha 4
Element: Invoice Type  The invoice type is updated in this
                       field. This is a required field and can
                       default from the order type (which can
                       then be assigned to the user identifier
                       as a default) when an order is processed
                       through invoicing. If you are entering
                       an invoice unrelated to an order, you
                       must enter this invoice type. Define
                       invoice types using BL06.1 (Invoice
                       Types). The invoice type identifies the
                       record being entered as either an
                       invoice or credit memo.

OEI-INVC-SOURCE        Alpha 1
Element: Invc Source   This value is updated automatically by
                       the system when an invoice is created.
                       It is designed to identify where the
                       invoice came from, for example, was it
                       interfaced, did it come from processing
                       a shipment, was it manually entered, and
                       so on.
                       I = Interfaced
                       M = Manual
                       S = Shipment
                       R = Return
                       C = Recurring Invoice
                       A = Activity

OEI-INVOICE-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)
Element: Date          The date the invoice was created. The
                       basis date for the terms discount and
                       due date calculations. For
                       system-generated invoices, the invoice
                       date is the system date assigned when
                       running OE129 (Daily Shipment Journal).
                       For manual invoices, this date will
                       default to the system date and you can
                       override it.

OEI-TAX-PNT-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)
Element: Date          The date used to find the effective tax

OEI-PRICE-DATE         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)
Element: Date          This is the date with which the price
                       has been determined. This will default
                       to the invoice date but can be
                       overridden when entering an invoice into
                       the system.

OEI-STATUS             Numeric 1
Element: Status        The status of the invoice; for example,
                       released, edited, printed, and so on.
                       0 = Unreleased
                       1 = Released
                       2 = Edited
                       3 = Printed
                       9 = AR/GL Updated

OEI-GL-DATE            Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)
Element: Date          The general ledger posting date.
                       Defaults to the invoice date.

OEI-BOOKED-DATE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)
Element: Date          Date this invoice was booked into the
                       Sales Analysis system.

OEI-CHECK-NBR          Numeric 8
Element: Payment NumberThis field contains the identifier of
                       the payment that was entered for the
                       order associated with the invoice if the
                       customer is required to send a down
                       payment or cash in advance when placing
                       the order.

OEI-TERMS-CD           Alpha 5
Element: Terms Code    The payment terms code that is used to
                       determine the invoice due date and any
                       payment discounts. This will default
                       from the customer master or you can
                       override it when entering the order or

Element: Transaction CoA transaction code represents a type of
                       cash payment, bill of exchange payment,
                       or bank service transaction.

OEI-HOLD-CODE          Alpha 4
Element: Hold Code     This is the hold code that determines
                       why an invoice is on hold. If there is a
                       value in this field, the invoice is on
                       hold and will be prevented from being
                       processed through the invoice printing

OEI-REASON-CODE        Alpha 4
Accounts Receivable    Reason code is used to indicate the
Code                   cause for credit memos. It is allowed on
                       invoices also. If entered, it must be
                       valid in the Reason Code file.

OEI-LIST-NAME          Alpha 14
Element: List Name     This is the name of the price list that
                       is tied to the customer master record.

OEI-AUTH-NO            Numeric 10
Element: Auth No

OEI-CUST-RET-REF       Alpha 10
Element: Cust Ret Ref

OEI-REFERENCE          Alpha 10  (Lower Case)
Element: Requester     An available field to enter any kind of
                       reference information on the order or

OEI-LETTER-OF-CR       Alpha 20
Element: Letter of CredOptionally enter the letter of credit
                       number for this invoice.

OEI-ORDER-NBR          Numeric 8
Element: Order Number  The number of the order associated with
                       this invoice.

OEI-SHIPMENT-NBR       Numeric 10
Element: Shipment NumbeThe number of the shipment of the order
                       to which the invoice belongs.

OEI-ENTERED-DISC       Signed 15.2
Element: Actual Disc   This is the amount of the add-on
                       discount entered in invoice currency.
                       Note: a system invoice can have both an
                       entered discount as well as an order

OEI-ADD-ON-DISC        Signed 15.2
Element: Actual Disc   This is the amount of the add-on
                       discount in company base currency.

OEI-CIA-AMT            Signed 15.2
Element: Adj Amt       The amount of cash in advance (down
                       payment) that was entered when placing
                       the customer's order or invoice.

OEI-CIA-AMT-BASE       Signed 15.2
Element: Adj Amt       This is the amount of cash in advance
                       (down payment) in company base currency
                       that was entered when adding the order
                       or invoice to the customer's account.

OEI-COD-PRINT-FL       Alpha 1
Element: All Flag      A flag to indicate whether cash on
                       delivery invoice has been printed.
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

OEI-NET-DUE-CURR       Derived
Element: Net Due Curr  This is the net amount due on the
                       invoice in original billing currency.
                       This amount is calculated by taking the
                       invoice amount - down payment amount.

OEI-NET-DUE-BASE       Derived
Element: Net Due Base  This is the net amount due on the
                       invoice in company base currency. The
                       net due is calculated by taking the
                       invoice amount - down payment amount.

OEI-OPEN-ORD-AMT       Signed 15.2
Element: Adj Amt       This field is used internally by the
                       system. This takes place when the
                       invoice is interfaced into the Accounts
                       Receivable system, and this is the
                       amount by which the open order totals in
                       the Accounts Receivable system will be
                       reduced. This will normally be the order
                       net amount except when partial shipments
                       are involved. In the latter case, the
                       open order amount will be reduced as the
                       shipments are made with the last
                       invoice's open order amount calculated
                       as open order amount - order amount
                       previously passed to the Accounts
                       Receivable system.

                       For manual invoices entered through
                       BL20, this field represents the total of
                       all line items in transaction currency,
                       and does NOT include Add-On-Costs. When
                       BL123 is run, this field is NOT rolled
                       into the Open Orders field within AR
                       because were dealing with a manual
                       invoice NOT an order.

OEI-TAX-CODE           Alpha 10
Element: Tax Code      A user-defined code representing the
                       tax authorities this ship-to pays sales
                       tax to. Must be a valid tax code record.

                       This is required if the company does
                       not use a third-party taxing system and
                       the line is not tax exempt.

OEI-TERRITORY          Alpha 4
Element: Sales TerritorThis is the sales territory to which
                       the customer being invoiced belongs.

OEI-SALESMAN           Numeric 4
Element: Salesman NumbeThe primary sales representative
                       responsible for this order or invoice.
                       Defaults from the customer ship-to for
                       the order or if the ship-to is not
                       entered, will default from the customer

OEI-SALESMAN-2         Numeric 4
Element: Salesman NumbeThis is the secondary sales
                       representative responsible for this
                       order or invoice. Defaults from the
                       customer ship-to for the order, or if
                       the ship-to is not entered, will default
                       from the customer master.

OEI-COMM-RATE-1        Percent 7.5  (Percent)
Element: Chrg Rate     The commission rate of the primary
                       sales representative.

OEI-COMM-RATE-2        Percent 7.5  (Percent)
Element: Chrg Rate     This field contains the commission rate
                       for the second sales representative.
                       This defaults from the Sales
                       Representative file.

OEI-COMM-SPLIT         Percent 5.3  (Percent)
Commission Split       The portion of the invoice or order
Percentage             that the second sales representative's
                       commission percent is applied to. The
                       first sales representative's commission
                       percent is applied to the remaining
                       amount. Defaults from the Customer
                       Master file.

OEI-LAST-MISC-SEQ      Numeric 3
Element: Sequence NumbeThis is the number of the last add-on
                       charge that was added to this order or

OEI-LAST-LINE-NBR      Numeric 6
Element: Line Number   This is the number of the last line
                       item added. It is used to determine the
                       number when the next line is added.

OEI-LAST-TP-SEQ        Numeric 3                                 BLI2.1
Element: Sequence NumbeThis is the number of the last top
                       comment line added to the order or

OEI-LAST-BM-SEQ        Numeric 3                                 BLI2.1
Element: Sequence NumbeThis is the number of the last bottom
                       comment added to the order or invoice.

OEI-SA-INVOICE-FL      Alpha 1
Element: All Flag      This is the sales analysis flag which
                       indicates to the system whether this
                       invoice has been interfaced into the
                       Sales Analysis system or not.
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

Element: Currency Code The currency code of the invoice in
                       this file. In a multicurrency company,
                       this defaults from the customer master
                       and you can override it when entering
                       the order or invoice. In a
                       non-multicurrency company, the company
                       base currency is assigned.

OEI-CURR-MUDV          Alpha 1
Currency               This is a flag to indicate whether the
Multiply/Divide        conversion from base to the billing
                       currency is accomplished by
                       multiplication or division.
                       M = Multiplier
                       D = Divider

OEI-CURR-RATE          Signed 13.6
Element: Currency Rate The currency conversion rate used to
                       convert the billing currency to base

OEI-CURR-ND            Numeric 1
Account Currency       This is the number of decimals used by
Code                   the billing currency.

OEI-REVALUE-FL         Alpha 1
Element: Revalue       This revalue flag is used by the
                       Accounts Receivable system if
                       multicurrency processing is used.

OEI-INV-GOODS          Signed 15.2
Element: Invoice AmountTotal net amount of inventory type
                       invoice lines.

OEI-INV-GOODS-BSE      Signed 15.2
Element: Invoice AmountTotal net amount of inventory type
                       lines in company base currency.

OEI-NON-INV-GOODS      Signed 15.2
Element: Invoice AmountTotal net amount of invoice lines that
                       are nonstock or special items.

OEI-NON-INV-GDS-B      Signed 15.2
Element: Invoice AmountTotal net amount of invoice lines that
                       are nonstock or special items in company
                       base currency.

OEI-TOTAL-GOODS        Derived
Element: Total Goods   Total amount of goods on an order or
                       invoice regardless of the item type in
                       billing currency.

OEI-TOTAL-GOODS-B      Derived
Element: Total Goods B Total amount of inventory goods
                       regardless of the item type in company
                       base currency.

OEI-MISC-TOTAL         Signed 15.2
Element: Detail Total  This is the total net amount of the
                       add-on charges.

OEI-MISC-TOT-BASE      Signed 15.2
Element: Detail Total  This is the total net amount of add-on
                       charges where freight flag = Yes in
                       company base currency.

OEI-FREIGHT-CODE       Alpha 2
Element: Add On Cost CoThis field contains the freight code.
                       This is must be valid in the Order Entry
                       Freight Code file. This determines
                       whether carrier and charge are allowed
                       for the shipment.

OEI-FRT-CHARGE         Signed 15.2
Element: Frt Charge    This is the total amount of freight
                       being charged on this invoice.

OEI-FRT-CHARGE-B       Signed 15.2
Element: Frt Charge    This is the total amount of freight
                       being charged to this invoice in company
                       base currency.

Element: All Flag      This field indicates if the freight is
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

OEI-DISCOUNTABLE       Signed 15.2
Element: Actual Disc   This is the total net amount of lines
                       and add-on charges where the Order
                       Discount Flag = Yes. In invoice

OEI-ORD-DISCOUNT       Signed 15.2
Element: Actual Disc   This field stores the order discount

OEI-ORD-DISC-BSE       Signed 15.2
Element: Actual Disc   This field stores the order discount
                       amount in company base currency.

Element: Recur Invoice This is the recurring invoice

OEI-BILL-DATE          Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)
Element: Date          This field contains the last bill date
                       from the last invoice that was run.

OEI-TAXABLE-TOTAL      Signed 15.2
Element: Detail Total  The total of taxable amounts of the
                       lines and add-on charges in invoice

OEI-TAX-TOTAL          Signed 15.2
Element: Detail Total  This is the total tax as calculated by
                       the tax logic or a third-party taxing

OEI-TAX-TOTAL-BSE      Signed 15.2
Element: Detail Total  This is the total tax amount as
                       calculated by the tax logic or a
                       third-party taxing system in company
                       base currency.

OEI-CUST-PO-NBR        Alpha 22
Element: Customer P.O. This is the customer purchase order
                       number associated with this order or

OEI-SHIP-DATE          Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)
Element: Date          This field contains the ship date.  If
                       left blank, the system date defaults.

OEI-AR-CODE            Alpha 4
Accounts Receivable    This is the Accounts Receivable code
Code                   (tied to the Accounts Receivable general
                       ledger account) that will be or has been
                       debited for this order or invoice.

OEI-AR-LINE-FL         Alpha 1
Element: All Flag      Flag used to indicate whether line
                       level interface records are to be
                       created for Accounts Receivable.
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

OEI-TRANS-USER1        Alpha 10
Element: Cust User1    The first user-defined field on the
                       invoice. This value will be passed with
                       the invoice into the Accounts Receivable

OEI-TRANS-USER2        Alpha 15
Element: Agent         The second user-defined field on the
                       invoice. This value will be passed with
                       the invoice into the Accounts Receivable

OEI-TRANS-USER3        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)
Element: Date          The third user-defined field on the
                       invoice. This value will be passed with
                       the invoice into the Accounts Receivable

OEI-TRANS-USER4        Numeric 9
Element: Cust User5    The fourth user-defined field on the
                       invoice. This value will be passed with
                       the invoice into the Accounts Receivable

OEI-TRANS-USER5        Signed 13.2
Element: Par Value     The fifth user-defined field on the
                       invoice. This value will be passed with
                       the invoice into the Accounts Receivable

OEI-TAX-EXEMPT-CD      Alpha 1
Element: Tax Exempt CodIndicates whether the invoice is tax
                       exempt or not.

                       If taxable, then the corrsponding
                       invoice lines may be both taxable as
                       well as exempt.

                       If exempt, then all corresponding
                       invoice lines must be exempt.
                       E = Exempt
                       T = Taxable

OEI-INV-OBJ-ID         Numeric 12
Element: Inv Obj Id

OEI-INVOICE-STR        Derived
Element: Invoice Str   Invoice number consists of a two
                       character invoice prefix and an 8-digit
                       invoice number.

OEI-GROSS-CURR         Derived
Element: Gross Curr    This is the computed gross amount of
                       the invoice in billing currency. This is
                       calculated in the following way:
                       Inventory Goods Amount + Non-Inventory
                       Goods Amount + Add-on Charges Amount +
                       Freight Total + Tax Total = Gross

OEI-GROSS-BASE         Derived
Element: Gross Base    This is the computed gross amount of
                       the invoice in company base currency.
                       This is calculated in the following way:
                       Inventory Goods Amount + Non-Inventory
                       Goods Amount + Add-on Charges Amount +
                       Freight Total + Tax Total = Gross

OEI-NET-CURR           Derived
Element: Net Curr      This is the invoice net amount in
                       billing currency. This is calculated in
                       the following way: Gross Currency Amount
                       - Order Discount - Entered Discount
                       Amount = Invoice Net Amount.

OEI-NET-BASE           Derived
Element: Net Base      This is the invoice net amount in
                       company base currency. This is
                       calculated in the following way:  Gross
                       Currency Amount - Order Discount -
                       Entered Discount Amount = Invoice Net

OEI-INVC-TOT-CURR      Derived
Element: Invc Tot Curr The invoice total in billing currency.

OEI-INVC-TOT-BASE      Derived
Element: Invc Tot Base The invoice total in base currency.

OEI-BT-NAME            Derived
Element: Bt Name       This is the bill-to name.

OEI-BT-ADDR1           Derived
Element: Bt Addr1      This is the first line of the bill-to

OEI-BT-ADDR2           Derived
Element: Bt Addr2      This is the second line of the bill-to

OEI-BT-ADDR3           Derived
Element: Bt Addr3      This is the third line of the bill-to

OEI-BT-ADDR4           Derived
Element: Bt Addr4      This is the fourth line of the bill-to

OEI-BT-CITY            Derived
Element: Bt City       This is the city of the bill-to address.

OEI-BT-STATE           Derived
Element: Bt State      This is the state of the bill-to

OEI-BT-ZIP             Derived
Element: Bt Zip        This is the postal code on the ship-to

OEI-BT-COUNTRY         Derived
Element: Bt Country    This is the country of the bill-to

OEI-BT-COUNTY          Derived
Element: Bt County

OEI-ST-NAME            Derived
Element: St Name       This is the customer short name.

OEI-ST-ADDR1           Derived
Element: St Addr1      This is the first line of the
                       customer's address.

OEI-ST-ADDR2           Derived
Element: St Addr2      This is the second line of the
                       customer's address.

OEI-ST-ADDR3           Derived
Element: St Addr3      This is the third line of the
                       customer's address.

OEI-ST-ADDR4           Derived
Element: St Addr4      This is the fourth line of the
                       customer's address.

OEI-ST-CITY            Derived
Element: St City       This is the city of the customer's

OEI-ST-STATE           Derived
Element: St State      This is the state of the customer's

OEI-ST-ZIP             Derived
Element: St Zip        This is the postal code on the
                       customer's address.

OEI-ST-COUNTRY         Derived
Element: St Country    This is the country on the customer's

OEI-ST-COUNTY          Derived
Element: St County

OEI-INVC-NBR           Derived
Element: Invc Nbr      This field combines the invoice prefix
                       and the invoice number. Together they
                       match the Accounts Receivable invoice

OEI-TAX-DESC           Derived
Element: Tax Desc      This field contains the description of
                       the tax code.

OEI-REQ-EP-SETTLE      Alpha 1
Element: Req Ep Settle

OEI-ORDER-REF-NBR      Numeric 8
Element: Order Ref Nbr This field contains the order reference
                       number.  This number can be filled with
                       extra order number information.

OEI-REF-NBR-FLAG       Alpha 1
Element: Ref Nbr Flag  This field contains a flag to indicate
                       whether the Order reference number is
                       being used.  This could be used to flag
                       whether we use the order-ref-nbr in
                       place of our order number.

OEI-EP-TRANS-ID        Numeric 12
Element: Ep Trans Id

OEI-EP-TRANS-ID-2      Numeric 12
Element: Ep Trans Id 2

OEI-EP-STTL-BASE       Signed 15.2
Element: Ep Sttl Base

OEI-EP-STTL-CURR       Signed 15.2
Element: Ep Sttl Curr

OEI-EP-TYPE            Alpha 5
Element: Ep Type

OEI-EP-ACCOUNT         Alpha 32
Element: Ep Account

OEI-EP-EXP-DATE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)
Element: Ep Exp Date

OEI-EP-MARGIN-MIN      Signed 7.2
Element: Ep Margin Min

OEI-EP-MARGIN-PCT      Percent 8.5  (Percent)
Element: Ep Margin Pct

OEI-BT-CTRY-CD         Alpha 2
Element: Bt Ctry Cd

OEI-BT-REGION          Alpha 2
Element: Bt Region

OEI-BT-EC-CTRY         Numeric 3
Element: Bt Ec Ctry

OEI-BT-ISO-CTRY        Numeric 3
Element: Bt Iso Ctry

OEI-ST-CTRY-CD         Alpha 2
Element: St Ctry Cd

OEI-ST-REGION          Alpha 2
Element: St Region

OEI-ST-EC-CTRY         Numeric 3
Element: St Ec Ctry

OEI-ST-ISO-CTRY        Numeric 3
Element: St Iso Ctry

OEI-INTRASTAT-NBR      Numeric 12
Element: Intrastat Nbr The number assigned by the Intrastat
                       system to a transaction that involves
                       Intrastat reporting after it has been

OEI-SIEB-INVC-TYPE     Numeric 1
Element: Sieb Invc Type1 = Siebel Agreement Invoice

                         OEINVOICE FILE INDEX


OEISET1   COMPANY                                                AR21.6  AR31.5
          INVC-PREFIX                                            AR42.2  AR42.7
          INVC-NUMBER                                            BLI2.1

OEISET10  COMPANY       Subset
          INVC-PREFIX   Where SA-INVOICE-FL != "Y"
          INVC-NUMBER   And   STATUS        =  9

OEISET2   COMPANY       KeyChange, Subset
          STATUS        Where STATUS < 9

OEISET3   COMPANY       KeyChange                                WH20.2  WH20.7

OEISET4   COMPANY                                                AR08.1  AR10.1
          CUSTOMER                                               AR501   AR550

OEISET5   COMPANY       KeyChange, Subset
          HOLD-CODE     Where HOLD-CODE != Spaces


OEISET7   COMPANY       KeyChange, Subset
          GL-DATE       Where STATUS < 4

OEISET8   COMPANY       Subset
          BATCH-NBR     Where STATUS = Zeroes

OEISET9   COMPANY       Subset
          INVC-PREFIX   Where STATUS = 1
          INVC-NUMBER   Or    STATUS = 2

                         OEINVOICE FILE RELATIONS



Apcompany      APCOMPANY    Required
                            When OEI-INVC-SOURCE =  "S"
                            And  WHS-CARRIER     != Spaces

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> -COMPANY

Apvenmast      APVENMAST    Required
                            When OEI-INVC-SOURCE =  "S"
                            And  WHS-CARRIER     != Spaces

                            CPY-VENDOR-GROUP      -> VEN-VENDOR-GROUP
                            WHS-CARRIER           -> VEN-VENDOR

Arcode         ARCODE       Required

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> RCD-COMPANY
                            OEI-AR-CODE           -> RCD-AR-CODE

Arcomp         ARCOMP       Required

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> ACO-COMPANY

Arcustomer     ARCUSTOMER   Required

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> ACM-COMPANY
                            OEI-CUSTOMER          -> ACM-CUSTOMER

Aroihdr        AROIHDR      Not Required
                            Valid When OEI-STATUS       = 9
                                  And  OIN-INVC-CRED-FL = "N"

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> ARH-COMPANY
                            "I"                   -> ARH-TRANS-TYPE
                            OEI-INVC-NBR          -> ARH-INVOICE

Aroihdr Cm     AROIHDR      Not Required
                            Valid When OEI-STATUS       = 9
                                  And  OIN-INVC-CRED-FL = "Y"

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> ARH-COMPANY
                            "C"                   -> ARH-TRANS-TYPE
                            OEI-INVC-NBR          -> ARH-INVOICE

Arproclevl     ARPROCLEVL   Required

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> APV-COMPANY
                            OEI-PROCESS-LEVEL     -> APV-PROCESS-LEVEL

Billto         BILLTO       Not Required
                            Valid When OEI-BILL-TO != Zeroes

                            ACO-CUST-GROUP        -> ABS-CUST-GROUP
                            OEI-CUSTOMER          -> ABS-CUSTOMER
                            OEI-BILL-TO           -> ABS-BILL-TO

Blricust       BLRICUST     Not Required
                            Valid When OEI-RECUR-INVOICE != Spaces

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> BRC-COMPANY
                            OEI-RECUR-INVOICE     -> BRC-RECUR-INVOICE
                            OEI-CUSTOMER          -> BRC-CUSTOMER

Cucodes        CUCODES      Required

                            OEI-CURRENCY-CODE     -> CUC-CURRENCY-CODE

Curelat        CURELAT      Not Required

                            GLS-CURRENCY-TABLE    -> CRL-CURRENCY-TABLE
                            OEI-CURRENCY-CODE     -> CRL-FR-CURR-CODE
                            OEC-CURRENCY-CODE     -> CRL-TO-CURR-CODE

Custdesc       CUSTDESC     Required

                            ACO-CUST-GROUP        -> CUD-CUST-GROUP
                            OEI-CUSTOMER          -> CUD-CUSTOMER

Custorder      CUSTORDER    Required
                            When OEI-ORDER-NBR != Zeroes

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> COR-COMPANY
                            OEI-ORDER-NBR         -> COR-ORDER-NBR

Glsystem       GLSYSTEM     Required

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> GLS-COMPANY

Holdcodes      HOLDCODES    Required
                            When OEI-HOLD-CODE != Spaces

                            ACO-CUST-GROUP        -> HDD-CUST-GROUP
                            OEI-HOLD-CODE         -> HDD-HOLD-CODE

Iccompany      ICCOMPANY    Not Required

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> ICC-COMPANY

Iclocation     ICLOCATION   Not Required

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> ICL-COMPANY
                            OEI-LOCATION          -> ICL-LOCATION

Oecompany      OECOMPANY    Required

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> OEC-COMPANY

Oecust         OECUST       Required

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> OET-COMPANY
                            OEI-CUSTOMER          -> OET-CUSTOMER

Oecustsrvc     BLRICUST     Not Required
                            Valid When OEI-RECUR-INVOICE != Spaces

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> BRC-COMPANY
                            OEI-RECUR-INVOICE     -> BRC-RECUR-INVOICE
                            OEI-CUSTOMER          -> BRC-CUSTOMER

Oefrtcode      OEFRTCODE    Required
                            When OEI-INVC-SOURCE  =  "S"
                            And  OEI-FREIGHT-CODE != Spaces

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> OFR-COMPANY
                            OEI-FREIGHT-CODE      -> OFR-FRT-CODE

Oeinvctype     OEINVCTYPE   Required

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> OIN-COMPANY
                            OEI-INVC-TYPE         -> OIN-INVC-TYPE

Oeinvsgblk     OEINVSGBLK   Not Required

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> OSB-COMPANY
                            OEI-INVC-PREFIX       -> OSB-INVC-PREFIX
                            OEI-INVC-NUMBER       -> OSB-INVC-NUMBER
                            Zeroes                -> OSB-LINE-NBR
                            Zeroes                -> OSB-SEQ

Oemethod       OEMETHOD     Required
                            When OEI-INVC-SOURCE =  "S"
                            And  WHS-METHOD      != Spaces

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> OMT-COMPANY
                            WHS-METHOD            -> OMT-METHOD

Oeprclist      OEPRCLIST    Required

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> OPL-COMPANY
                            Spaces                -> OPL-CUSTOMER
                            OEI-LIST-NAME         -> OPL-LIST-NAME
                            Spaces                -> OPL-PROMOTION

Oeproclev      OEPROCLEV    Required

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> OEP-COMPANY
                            OEI-PROCESS-LEVEL     -> OEP-PROCESS-LEVEL

Oereason       OEREASON     Required
                            When OEI-REASON-CODE != Spaces

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> OER-COMPANY
                            OEI-REASON-CODE       -> OER-REASON-CODE

Returnhdr      RETURNHDR    Required
                            When OEI-AUTH-NO != Zeroes

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> RTN-COMPANY
                            OEI-AUTH-NO           -> RTN-AUTH-NO

Salesman       SALESREP     Required

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> SAW-COMPANY
                            OEI-SALESMAN          -> SAW-SALESMAN

Salesman2      SALESREP     Required
                            When OEI-SALESMAN-2 != Zeroes

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> SAW-COMPANY
                            OEI-SALESMAN-2        -> SAW-SALESMAN

Shipto         SHIPTO       Required
                            When OEI-SHIP-TO != Zeroes

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> SHP-COMPANY
                            OEI-CUSTOMER          -> SHP-CUSTOMER
                            OEI-SHIP-TO           -> SHP-SHIP-TO

Teritory       TERITORY     Required

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> TRY-COMPANY
                            OEI-TERRITORY         -> TRY-TERRITORY

Terms          TERMS        Not Required
                            Valid When OEI-TERMS-CD != Spaces

                            OEI-TERMS-CD          -> TMS-TERMS-CD

Txcodemast     TXCODEMAST   Not Required

                            OEI-TAX-CODE          -> TCM-TAX-CODE

Txcompany      TXCOMPANY    Not Required

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> TXC-COMPANY

Txtaxcode      TXTAXCODE    Not Required
                            Valid When OEI-TAX-CODE != Spaces

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> TAC-COMPANY
                            OEI-TAX-CODE          -> TAC-TAX-CODE

Whshipment     WHSHIPMENT   Not Required
                            Valid When OEI-SHIPMENT-NBR != Zeroes

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> WHS-COMPANY
                            OEI-LOCATION          -> WHS-LOCATION
                            OEI-SHIPMENT-NBR      -> WHS-SHIPMENT-NBR

                         OEINVOICE FILE RELATIONS



Comisc         COMISC

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> CMC-COMPANY
                            OEI-ORDER-NBR         -> CMC-ORDER-NBR
                            Zeroes                -> CMC-LINE-NBR

Hdr Comments   OEINVCCOMM   Delete Restricted

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> OIC-COMPANY
                            OEI-INVC-PREFIX       -> OIC-INVC-PREFIX
                            OEI-INVC-NUMBER       -> OIC-INVC-NUMBER
                            Zeroes                -> OIC-LINE-NBR

Oeinvccomm     OEINVCCOMM   Delete Cascades

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> OIC-COMPANY
                            OEI-INVC-PREFIX       -> OIC-INVC-PREFIX
                            OEI-INVC-NUMBER       -> OIC-INVC-NUMBER

Oeinvcline     OEINVCLINE

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> OIL-COMPANY
                            OEI-INVC-PREFIX       -> OIL-INVC-PREFIX
                            OEI-INVC-NUMBER       -> OIL-INVC-NUMBER

Oeordcmnt      OEORDCMNT

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> OOC-COMPANY
                            OEI-CUSTOMER          -> OOC-CUSTOMER
                            Spaces                -> OOC-STD-ORDER-NBR
                            OEI-ORDER-NBR         -> OOC-ORDER-NBR
                            Zeroes                -> OOC-LINE-NBR

Tlr Comments   OEINVCCOMM   Delete Restricted

                            OEI-COMPANY           -> OIC-COMPANY
                            OEI-INVC-PREFIX       -> OIC-INVC-PREFIX
                            OEI-INVC-NUMBER       -> OIC-INVC-NUMBER
                            999999                -> OIC-LINE-NBR