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                             APASTDTL FILE

                              Asset Detail

The Asset Detail file contains detailed asset information for each Invoice
Distribution Header file record that has an asset number or asset template
assigned. Asset detail records are passed to the Asset Management Interface


AP220     AP36.2


AP125     AP126     AP170     AP180     AP181     AP190
AP193     AP198     AP25.1    AP25.2    AP26.1    AP27.1
AP28.1    AP28.2    AP30.2    AP30.4    AP300     AP305
AP45.1    AP520     API1.1    API2.1    MA61.1    MA70.1
MA75.1    MAI1.1


APS-API-OBJ-ID         Numeric 12                                AP125   AP126
Element: API Object ID A unique identifier assigned to this      AP170   AP180
                       record.                                   AP181   AP190
                                                                 AP193   AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP28.1
                                                                 AP28.2  AP30.2
                                                                 AP45.1  AP520
                                                                 API1.1  API2.1
                                                                 MA61.1  MA70.1
                                                                 MA75.1  MAI1.1

APS-DIST-SEQ-NBR       Numeric 4                                 AP125   AP126
Distribution           A unique sequence number assigned to      AP180   AP181
Sequence Number        the distribution.                         AP190   AP193
                                                                 AP25.1  AP25.2
                                                                 AP26.1  AP27.1
                                                                 AP28.1  AP28.2
                                                                 AP30.2  AP45.1
                                                                 AP520   API1.1
                                                                 API2.1  MA61.1

APS-ASSET-DESC         Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    AP125   AP126
Element: Asset DescriptThe asset description. If left blank,     AP180   AP181
                       the invoice description defaults.         AP190   AP193
                                                                 AP25.1  AP25.2
                                                                 AP26.1  AP27.1
                                                                 AP28.1  AP28.2
                                                                 AP30.2  AP45.1
                                                                 AP520   API1.1
                                                                 API2.1  MA61.1

APS-TAG-NBR            Alpha 12                                  AP180   AP181
Element: Tag Number    The tag number assigned to the asset.     AP190   AP28.1
                       Represents a short name for a part of an  AP28.2  AP30.2
                       asset.                                    AP45.1  AP520
                                                                 API1.1  API2.1

APS-ITEM-NBR           Alpha 32                                  AP125   AP126
Element: Item Number   The item number assigned to the asset.    AP180   AP181
                       Represents one element of an asset that   AP190   AP25.1
                       is made up of multiple elements, but is   AP25.2  AP26.1
                       depreciated as a common asset unit.       AP27.1  AP28.1
                                                                 AP28.2  AP30.2
                                                                 AP45.1  AP520
                                                                 API1.1  API2.1
                                                                 MA61.1  MAI1.1

APS-INSRV-DATE         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AP125   AP126
Element: In-service DatThe date the asset was placed in          AP180   AP181
                       service. If left blank, the invoice or    AP190   AP25.1
                       purchase date defaults. The in service    AP25.2  AP26.1
                       date must be greater than or equal to     AP27.1  AP28.1
                       the invoice or purchase date.             AP28.2  AP30.2
                                                                 AP45.1  AP520
                                                                 API1.1  API2.1
                                                                 MA61.1  MAI1.1

APS-PURCHASE-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AP125   AP126
Element: Purchase Date The date the asset was purchased. This    AP180   AP181
                       purchased date can be different from the  AP190   AP193
                       in-service dates for the depreciation     AP25.1  AP25.2
                       books used.                               AP26.1  AP27.1
                                                                 AP28.1  AP28.2
                                                                 AP30.2  AP45.1
                                                                 AP520   API1.1
                                                                 API2.1  MA61.1

APS-MODEL-NUMBER       Alpha 30                                  AP180   AP181
Element: Model Number  The model number assigned to the asset.   AP190   AP28.1
                       Used with the Asset Template field.       AP28.2  AP30.2
                                                                 AP45.1  AP520
                                                                 API1.1  API2.1

APS-SERIAL-NUMBER      Alpha 30                                  AP180   AP181
Element: Serial Number The serial number of the asset. Used      AP190   AP28.1
                       with the Asset Template field.            AP28.2  AP30.2
                                                                 AP45.1  AP520
                                                                 API1.1  API2.1

APS-HOLD-AM            Alpha 1                                   AP125   AP126
Element: Hold Asset    This field indicates whether to hold      AP180   AP181
                       the asset in the Asset Interface file.    AP190   AP193
                       Being held keeps items from becoming      AP25.1  AP25.2
                       assets until they are released from       AP26.1  AP27.1
                       hold. Used for combining assets. Valid    AP28.1  AP28.2
                       values are:                               AP30.2  AP45.1
                                                                 AP520   API1.1
                       N = No.                                   API2.1  MA61.1
                       Y = Yes.                                  MAI1.1

APS-COMBINE            Alpha 10                                  AP125   AP126
Element: Combine AssetsThis field indicates whether to combine   AP180   AP181
                       items as one asset.                       AP190   AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                       To combine distribution records into      AP27.1  AP28.1
                       one asset, the following fields must be   AP28.2  AP30.2
                       the same, regardless of the invoice:      AP45.1  AP520
                       template, combine code, asset             API1.1  API2.1
                       description, tag number, asset group,     MA61.1  MAI1.1
                       and accounting unit.

APS-ITEM-DESC          Alpha 30                                  AP125   AP126
Element: Item DescriptiThe item description.                     AP180   AP181
                                                                 AP190   AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP28.1
                                                                 AP28.2  AP30.2
                                                                 AP45.1  AP520
                                                                 API1.1  API2.1
                                                                 MA61.1  MAI1.1

APS-ITEM-QUANTITY      Numeric 8                                 AP125   AP126
Element: Item Quantity The number of units that make up the      AP180   AP181
                       asset item. Each unit of an item is       AP190   AP25.1
                       exactly the same as every other unit of   AP25.2  AP26.1
                       the item.                                 AP27.1  AP28.1
                                                                 AP28.2  AP30.2
                                                                 AP45.1  AP520
                                                                 API1.1  API2.1
                                                                 MA61.1  MAI1.1

APS-ITEM-TAX-TRAN      Signed 18.2                               AP125   AP126
Tax Amount - Trans     The tax amount associated with the        AP180   AP181
Currency               asset distribution in the currency of     AP190   AP25.1
                       the transaction.                          AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP28.1
                                                                 AP28.2  AP30.2
                                                                 AP45.1  AP520
                                                                 API1.1  API2.1
                                                                 MA61.1  MAI1.1

APS-ITEM-TAX-BASE      Signed 18.2                               AP180   AP181
Tax Amount - Base      The tax amount associated with the        AP190   AP28.1
Currency               asset distribution in the company base    AP28.2  AP45.1
                       currency.                                 AP520   API1.1

APS-ASSET-GROUP        Alpha 10                                  AP180   AP181
Element: Asset Group   The asset group assigned to the asset     AP190   AP28.1
                       distribution detail record.               AP28.2  AP30.2
                                                                 AP45.1  AP520
                                                                 API1.1  API2.1

APS-ACCT-UNIT          Alpha 15                                  AP125   AP126
Element: Accounting UniThe accounting unit assigned to the       AP180   AP181
                       asset distribution detail record.         AP190   AP193
                                                                 AP25.1  AP25.2
                                                                 AP26.1  AP27.1
                                                                 AP28.1  AP28.2
                                                                 AP30.2  AP45.1
                                                                 AP520   API1.1
                                                                 API2.1  MA61.1

APS-ASSET-TEMPLATE     Alpha 10                                  AP125   AP126
Element: Asset TemplateThe asset template assigned to the        AP180   AP181
                       asset distribution record. Templates      AP190   AP25.1
                       identify the required information needed  AP25.2  AP26.1
                       to create asset records. Using a          AP27.1  AP28.1
                       template lets you default many of the     AP28.2  AP30.2
                       data items associated with a new asset.   AP45.1  AP520
                       Must be a valid record in the Asset       API1.1  API2.1
                       Management system.                        MA61.1  MAI1.1

APS-ASSET              Numeric 10                                AP125   AP126
Element: Asset         The asset number assigned to the asset    AP180   AP181
                       distribution detail record. Assets are    AP190   AP25.1
                       automatically numbered system-wide. The   AP25.2  AP26.1
                       asset number does not change unless an    AP27.1  AP28.1
                       asset is partially transferred or         AP28.2  AP30.2
                       disposed of.                              AP45.1  AP520
                                                                 API1.1  API2.1
                                                                 MA61.1  MAI1.1

APS-LOCATION-NAME      Alpha 15                                  AP180   AP181
Element: Location      A user-defined location name which        AP190   AP28.1
                       represents where an asset is physically   AP28.2  AP30.2
                       located. Locations are used to report     AP45.1  AP520
                       asset information.

APS-DIVISION           Alpha 15                                  AP180   AP181
Element: Division      A user-defined division which is used     AP190   AP28.1
                       for reporting assets.                     AP28.2  AP30.2
                                                                 AP45.1  AP520

APS-AU-GROUP           Alpha 10                                  AP180   AP181
Element: Au Group      Accounting unit groups group and          AP190   AP28.1
                       identify the accounting units to use      AP28.2  AP30.2
                       when you create journal entries for       AP45.1  AP520
                       adding, adjusting, transferring, or       API1.1  API2.1
                       disposing of assets. Changes to
                       accounting unit groups are dynamic,
                       affecting all assets using the
                       accounting unit group. Accounting unit
                       group names are user-definable, and
                       accounting unit groups are set up by

APS-BAR-CODE           Alpha 30
Element: Bar Code

APS-ITEM-LOC-DTL       Alpha 14
Element: Item Loc Dtl

APS-AP-DISTRIB-FL      Alpha 1
Element: Ap Distrib Fl

APS-LAND-COST-FLG      Alpha 1
Element: All Flag      Indicates whether tax related to
                       distribution is a landed cost.

                         APASTDTL FILE INDEX


APSSET1   API-OBJ-ID    This index is used to send records to    AP125   AP126
          DIST-SEQ-NBR  the asset management interface file.     AP170   AP193
                                                                 AP198   AP220
                                                                 AP25.1  AP25.2
                                                                 AP26.1  AP27.1
                                                                 AP30.2  AP30.4
                                                                 AP300   AP305
                                                                 AP36.2  API1.1
                                                                 API2.1  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MA75.1