Forum: Lawson S3 Procurement

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Need help understanding MA540 and how the data looks in Lawson MA54 screens      

Started By  Lawson Newbie
All, I'm an EDI Analyst and trying to find some independent consultant work. I am desperately looking for a documentation that shows what each fields are in MA540 (I think its the .csv) file and how does the MA540 data looks once it is translated in Lawson MA54 screens. Any documentation specific to MA540 would be highly appreciated. Thanks, Eric
4 59962 0
by SSmith

Vendor Agreement and/or Payment Terms Cannot be Combined      

Started By  Brian M
Been browsing here for a while but finally found something worthy of posting. In Procurement (po20) our team was unable to add multiple lines to POs, change any prices, or any info on the lines of POs.  I thought it would just be a mis-match problem from AP10.1 and PO25 header info on old contracts that may have had payment terms, but it appeared to be problematic with everything.  After about 1 hour the error message subsided, but nothing was corrected, so our IT team and I have no idea what...
3 54285 0
by THouser

Invoice Status      

Started By  Bev Edwards
What Lawson table can I find invoice status
2 46943 0
by apurdion

Setting up Surgery as an Inventory location.      

Started By  Sheri
Has anyone set up a department, such as Surgery, Cath Lab etc. as an inventory location We currently have two inventory locations (warehouse and storeroom). But the thought is to set up Surgery as its own inventory location, to utilize the ordering of items based on par levels. Also to be able to know what is kept on hand as inventory cost at any time.   Has anyone set up a Department as an inventory location If yes, how is it working Advantages Downfalls   Thanks for any input,   S...
15 56936 0
by Kat V

PO25 price audit      

Started By  pglibra
Good morning, How can I find the date of when a Vendor Agreement price was updated in PO25 Trying to see if a price on a PO was before or after a new price was loaded. Running version 10.   Thank you
5 93409 0
by pglibra

PO25 Pricing tab      

Started By  pglibra
If a markup is applied on the Pricing tab on PO25 after hundreds of lines were put on agreement, will the markup take effect when PO is created Or will it only work on future adds to agreement Thanks
4 94895 0
by Kat V

PO25 error message      

Started By  pglibra
We have a PO25 agreement with over 1300 lines. I was able to add a new item to it but when I went to release agreement, error message 'cannot release, review error message for line '. So I went to the newly added line and under the ERRORS tab, it shows 'Can only maintain Service Agreements here'. What happened and how do I fix it Thanks
5 69614 0
by pglibra

IC, PO and AP EOM Close Process      

Started By  Ann
Has anyone automated the Lawson EOM close process for IC, PO and AP via scheduled jobs
1 57437 0
by Mark


Started By  Dan Z
Does anyone know if we utilze the orders days option in po10.2 does it work for inventory AND non-stock po's Would lawson create multiple po's or merge them into one Example, we order MWF from a vendor...req 1 is generated on Tuesday and not processed. Req 2 is process Wed morning before the po run. Is lawson going to generate 2 po's or 1
1 54744 0
by Kat V

Lawson Item master Cleanse      

Started By  Wayne G.
Hello all, I am a newbie to Lawson and health care industry. One of the first things I noticed about our data in IC is the item master is all over the place and not standardized at all. I looked into a 3rd party review and cleanse but cost came back over the top. Does anybody have advice or other solutions that doesn't break the bank. Thanks Wayne
0 2654 0


Started By  Bev Edwards
We have an application used by one of our hospitals called Change Healthcare Cardiology Web. I learned today that there is an IC500 Trans interface that picks up a file generated by this application and populates the data to Infor.  The nurse manager reported that her item counts were not correct, so we looked at the IC50 and saw there were days missing one some of the items we cherry picked.  The issue now is, I have no idea what user ID the IC500 is processing under so that I can look at...
1 50137 0
by Kat V

RQ04 - Accounting Units AND Req Locs??      

Started By  Bev Edwards
When setting up a new requester that provides their Company, accounting unit and req loc, does the RQ04 need to have both the Accounting units listed on the Accounting Unit tab as well as on the RQ04.3 screen
1 46518 0
by Kat V

Allocated without requisition      

Started By  Mike McCoy
I have product showing as allocated with no requisition tied to it so I can use wh20/wh25. any suggestion is appreciated!
3 47118 0
by Kat V

IC12 Mass Manufacturer Information Changes      

Started By  Janet Malavet
I've been trying to find a job where we can run that will udate every single location (IC12) manufacturer code and division from IC11.  I see where some people uses IC330 and IC331 for inventory locations but with that job is is one item at the time.  I have lots of items that I would like to run all at once. Does anyone knows what I can use besides IC330 or Addins  Thank you!
2 49279 0
by Kurt L Guldner

PO25 from Released to Unreleased/Revised      

Started By  pglibra
Is there a way to change the status of a Released PO25 agreement to either Unreleased or Revised without adding an item Thanks
0 3200 0

Management of Product/Item Substitutes      

Started By  mlbrassington1
Any users care to share how they are managing inventory items that require a substitute Is anyone: - Using the same Lawson number as the original item - Creating a new Lawson number for each new substitute required Would appreciate hearing how other organizations are handling. Thank you.
0 3076 0

Matching Error: Cannot Match-unreleased adj exists      

Started By  NJN
Our AP team is running into the error 'Cannot Match-unreleased Adj exists' when trying to match an invoice with the PO. I checked PO30 and everything is received and released. What else should I be looking for
0 3737 0

Matching Error: Cannot Match-unreleased adj exists      

Started By  NJN
Our AP team is running into the error 'Cannot Match-unreleased Adj exists' when trying to match an invoice with the PO. I checked PO30 and everything is received and released. What else should I be looking for
1 46382 0
by Kat V


I have tried a Add-Ins quirey but could not get it to work.  Removing manually is taking forever.
1 39790 0
by Kat V

MA540 Fatal Error Report- PROBLEM: Element not defined on Match Class      

Started By  SSmith
Need help in understanding and how to fix. PROBLEM: Element not defined on Match Class that's listed on the MA540 Fatal Error Report. Any assistance/guidence with tis will greatly be appreicated. Thanks!
2 43558 0
by SSmith

MA540 Fatal Error Report: Discount Rate Required      

Started By  SSmith
Need help in fixing fatal error: Discount rate required on MA540 fatal error report. MA54 shows the Discount Date but the Discount Rate and Amount fields are blank. The vendor in particular do not receive discounts. We setup the following substitution table but, still receiving error. Does anyone have any suggestions on how this can be corrected List name: L1_MAP_INV_TERMS Lawson Value: N External Value: Tpid
0 3005 0

How does one add a new UOM?      

Started By  Miguel Acevedo
During the pandemic, we started purchasing (PL) pallets of some products, but that UOM does not exist. I have been using Bulk all this time, but the invoices don't match automatically. Does anyone know how to add a UOM
1 37066 0
by Kat V

Price Changing      

Started By  PF1234
Does anyone know how to find out which Lawson user changed an item price Like a change log I've checked the audit log but nothing shows.
1 30444 0
by Kat V

Help on Comment tables      

Started By  Greg Moeller
But they are unsure which table it exists in. Can anyone refresh my memory on the naming scheme for these tables (L_Hxxx, and L_Dxxx).
3 34730 0
by John Henley

Procedure Info Missing In GHX      

Started By  SSmith
We have started using procedure information for certain vendors and have also enabled the data onto PO's (PO10.1). We have checked a few PO's that were transmitted through GHX and see that the Serial and Lot numbers are listed correctly at GHX but some of the other fields like Physician Name, Procedure Date, and Case Number are not appearing. Do they need to 'turn something on' Do we need to change to a different 'MAP' or 'PROCESS'(ED10) for this to be sent I am not sure it's on our Lawson ...
1 33513 0
by Kat V
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