We have been on Lawson for years and have always had PO reqs with the same vendor and same buyer compile onto one PO. We have put in a large patch to get our versions up to speed. Now we have one buyer whose reqs are not compiling. So she may have 3 reqs entered by 3 different requsting locations, all items from the same vendor. Instead of getting 1 PO for all the lines, she will get upwards of 5 PO's, often the PO will have only one req line.
Has anyone experienced this change after a new patch was applied? Where the PO reqs are no longer compiling together on a PO?
The PO100 set up is correct, we did not make any changes to this, the PO.1 records all have 0 - No default.
The same set up as we have always had, difference is now our reqs are not compiling together.
Thanks for your thoughts, there has to be some 'new field' or change made when the patch was applied??