After months of looking, for the life of me I cannot find documentation on how to nest employee groups, we are on 9.0 and going live in a few months. Logged a ticket with support to get info but they just referred me to an article that told me what employee groups are. In Lawson training the trainer told me that nesting doesn't work in 9.0. Can anyone help? Thanks.
I'm not getting the option anywhere to even reference the employee group as a selection criteria. On the HR55, don't I have to select Employee Group as Criteria/Selction? It's not an option anywhere as a topic. Did I miss something?
It was a Lawson trainer, I thought it sounded odd but didn't question it until I realized how much easier my life would be if I could nest some of these groups!
Phil...FOUND IT!!! Thank you so much! Sometimes it just takes someone pointing out the obvious!