Background: been working with Lawson for about 9 months, mostly LSA securities. Have been assigned the task of converting Employees via HR511 as we are onboarding another facility.
I have reviewed documentation from Lawson Support and found the conversion files. Downloaded and sent off.... HR is populating the spreadsheet with the 'new' employee data (the system we are acquiring from is pretty much paper). My first hurdle is trying to figure out WHERE I put this file once they complete it. (yes I am THAT new to this). I know how to find a file path via jobdef, but I can't find this HR511 to view in LID.
Any direction and/or help is appreciated.
You can change the path to whatever you want in job def. If you leave it alone, it will default to $LAWDIR\productline\work\EMPLOADCSV\EMPLOADCSV. The directory and file name (in this case EMPLOADCSV) correspond to the file name defined in workdef.
Let me know if there are any other questions.
Jeff Wardzala