When you have a DC plan with company matches to all employee deductions and the employee elects to contribute in more than one way, the full match is at risk when the employee maxes out their contribution in one of the deductions before the match has been fully fulfilled. For instance, if I contribute 10% PT and 10% Roth, I recieve wages high enough to cause me to max out at the annual limit (currently 18,500) and takes 10%PT but only 2 % Roth, my fullemployee match will not be taken in most cases.
ON BN15 (Benefit Plan set up) only allow one company match deduction for all frou potential employee deductions. Then on PR05 (Deduction set up), allow 4 deduction codes to be listed as teh match deductions. When payroll runs, the system would calculate all employee deductions and then apply the match to the sum of all. Crude drawings are attached. Sorry they are not better.
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