I am hoping someone can tell me the source of this record. Ever since we upgraded to Lawson 10, another record for each tax authority is being added to the PRREGPARM table. It has field number 5095 on it but I can not find that filed number in PADICT and also not in PADICT2. I don't see it from the PR06 forms or the ones associated with PR06 unless I am missing something.
The reason it is important is because we store our PA PSD codes on the PR69 that is accessed from the PR06. Our local tax reports have been off since the upgrade occurred and we've had to add additional local tax codes.
The last Data File Text for Payroll that I find online is for 9.0.1 version dated Feb 2009. PR69.1 isn't even listed in it.
Any help or direction you can point me to would be appreciated.