I am looking for a suggestion.... I have associates that have two components of their salary. (Base salary and a commission draw.)
I am trying to find a way to track these two pay components separately but I am not seeing a clear way to do this. If I put it on the ALT RATES screen it does not default the additional pay for the associate.
Lets say the associate makes $20,000 as a base salary and $15,000 as a draw against commissions. I want to put the 20,000 in the salary rate field on HR11 (Pay Rate) and then have the 15,000 somewhere else that will default it into each payroll.
(Of course I want it to make sense and not be difficult to report on when needed.... I liked HR 11 because I give the right people access to that screen - If I put it on a PR screen it might be strange for non PR associates???)
Anyone have a suggestion?