Anyone decipher Lawson's reqapproval flow? When using a resource node to query email of a requester, assign node takes a variable NOTIFY_EMAIL and assigns it to the requester node email output. For email found, Lawson's branch says NOTIFY_EMAIL > " ". for email not found, Lawson's branch says NOTIFY_EMAIL = " ". What values am I polulating the " " with? Also, NOTIFY_EMAIL is set up as a string, but Lawson't branch is using >, normally used with Integers? Can someone explain, or recommend another check for succesfull found email? ResourceQuery_RECORD_COUNT > 0 perhaps? Thanks for the feedback.
Checking the field EMAIL instead of the record count was intentional in the delivered flow. You could have someone set up in RM but not have the EMAIL field populated.
If all you check is the record count then it could still try to send the email with a blank address.
By check if NOTIFY_EMAIL is > "" it handles both users not found and users not set up with email.