I am trying to send an email to all users of a specific task, Buyer, with a link that they can click on to get to their inbasket. I was able to do this in v9 without having to include their user profile. The link would take them to their Buyer inbasket. In v10 inbasket, I cannot figure out how to get the link to take them to their buyer inbasket.
Here is what I have. The hard coded user profile is in red. This link works but I cannot hard code the user profile. It needs to come from the pfiUserTask (I believe) Thanks!
go to the Rich Client. CLick on Start ==> Help ==> Environment
that should land you in the info center. The info center can also be accessed via the web but to get the best documentation for your precise release, the rich client is the way to go. please note that the first time you access the info center via the rich client, it may take a while to come up.....the contents index is built upon first invocation. afterwards it should come up faster