In need of help setting up this part of the process:
it looks like I need to create some type of trigger or service definition in the Rich Client.
Please be as specific as possible....Thanks
David, unfortunately Design Studio is not yet working for us. The next best option (I guess) is to do it thru the Rich Client...can guidance be provided?...need to read up on COBOL user exit.
Also, might you know what table(s) or fields to pull the PO status such as: release, process, approve, cancel or reject? Thanks
Can you share with us your solution? Thanks.
The solution is to reference the Gen_PurchaseOrd service definition as Jimmy had suggested and make sure the checkbox is checked for Service Is Enabled. Make sure your process flow is listed under Processes Tab for the Gen_PurchaseOrd service definition.
In PO20, under Special Actions selecting Release for a PO number will trigger a WorkUnit.
For variables, you will find the variables(148 of them) under the triggered Work Unit if you have a need to pass variables down to the process flow.