We are using ProcessFlow 8.03 Pro and j2sdk1.4.2_16. We have a processflow for a Peronnel Action Approval. See below the concerned AGS string. Its is a very simple processflow with query nodes, then an email, then the PA53 ags node, then an email that has the ags return code. The PF is triggered correctly. In the pf admin server, after the AgsPA53, I noticed that the workunit has a status of "Cancel Completed", and then I received an email that the workunit has been cancelled by the processflow administrator. However, the next email I received is the email that confirms the ags return code is 0 and then the PF Admin status changes to "Complete".
Is there something in the ags that cancels the workunit?
Additional info: In WF24.1, the workunit has an error message MSG_TYPE_WORKUNIT_CANCEL received for 138 Nbr=1
Also: the service is a copy of Action Approval. My workaround is to not notify if the workunit is cancelled.
Thank you for your time.