Hi Everyone,
We are looking for a way to lock out users from using Lawson when we have to. Sometimes we would like to have some users locked out of the Lawson apps at certain times of the day/night/weekend. Two areas I am looking at: when we need to apply patches and when we are running our payroll process.
We are Windows installed env. Version 10.
I scanned the forum and nothing really jumped out on how to do that.
Any ideas/solutions would be helpful and appreciated.
We created a new screen LX00.1 with a single parameter of Lawson Locked Y|N. In security admin, our security rules basically reference this value and if it's Y then no access else full access depending on the group the employee is in. We want to lock out all users except for IT and Payroll, for example, during a payroll run. Payroll just does this extra step when beginning the payroll process then flips it back when complete (clearing of ios cache necessary after each update to the value).