Thank you. I can connect to the server using the spfarm account. Everything in sharepoint seems ok. But I still get the error: Please enter a valid user password. When prompted for a domain\user account during the ming.le foundation configuration install. I saw a knowledgebase article that stated this:In SharePoint check if user SPFarm is in part of the Farm Administrators, and also Service Accounts (under Security). - I checked the account and it is part of the "Farm Administrators". Not sure which service accounts should be managed by the spfarm account. Some of them are, but others are managed by the spservices account. Would you happen to know which ones I need to managed by the spfarm account?
Here are the components we have managed by the farm account. Not sure this is the issue. Still don't under why it can't authenticate to AD from the mingle foundation install wizard. I'm afraid it's an 2012 R2 issue? I can log into the sharepoint central management using the farm account.
Farm components using this account
I un-installed 2013 and started over. I'm back at the same point as before. Same message:
Lawson global support came through. For some reason when prompted for the infor ming.le foundation config credentials and entering the domain and login it was trying to do local authentication. We could see it in the customutils_log.txt file in the ming.le destination folder:
4/24/2015 2:45 PM Error : ValidateWindowsUser() - Trying to validate against the local computer The server cannot handle directory requests. 4/24/2015 2:45 PM Error : ValidateWindowsUser() - Trying to validate against the local computer The network path was not found.
So he started the certmgr on the sharepoint server logged in as the spinstall account and under current user certificates for the spinstall account changed the certificate purposes from "enable all purpose for this certificate" to "disable all purposes for this certificate" -- Went back to the configuration wizard and using the spinstall credentials clicked next and it worked.
I have to give Lawson support credit for that one.