Using RMConvert, trying to convert Rm data from logan 803 to logan 90
I copied the logan803 dictioinary from source 803 environment to 90 target environment. Copied the logan MICROSOFT file from 803 system to %LAWDIR%\logan803. The MICROSOFT file points to the DB server of the 803 database server, not the 90 db server.
WHen I run the perl metadata LOGAN803 > rmconvert.log
Part of the log says LOGAN803\MXCATDEF... does not exist use dbcreate to create it.
Um question, does the LOGAN803 *database* (specifically called LOGAN803) have to exist on the source or target db servers? I thought by the rmconvert program reads the CAP file, it knows where to read the source LOGAN database from, which is NOT called LOGAN803. It's called LOGAN.
Thanks in advance,
I did the same thing really...
Did your rmmetadata.log mention the LOGAN803\MXCATDEF, LOGAN803\LOGRPBKMARK...etc???
It's there. I see it, all permissions on it are wide open...I copied it from 803 a second time. And still get the error.
E:\lawtest2\db\dict> ls GEN GEN803 LOGAN LOGAN803 PROD
Hey Kwane,
I have checked the alias, and it is correct. I've checked the ODBC configuration on the app server. Test connection ok. Apps seems to be working ok. Batch and online.
I *can* do the osql ok directly using a telnet client on the same app server as LID.
Any other clues??