After LDAP Bind the Logon Error handling is inconsistent

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    If user enters an invalid user name, then the name and password are cleared and message "Invalid username or password. Please try again." is displayed.
    If user enters an invalid password, then the name and password are cleared and no message is displayed.

    Has anyone run into this?  Is there a way to correct this?
    Ideally an invalid name and/or password give same error message to the user.
    Roger French
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      The actual messages displayed in portal, with delivered Lawson, that's how it is. Lawson designed it.

      If your question is, if you can change or make consistent the messaging for wrong/mistyped ID's or passwords, yes you could change it to use whatever logic or messages you want. You'd want to brush up on your javascript skills to do it.
      Joe O'Toole
      Veteran Member
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        We are running Env 9.019 on the Windows platform and bound to AD but do not get any message back at all in Portal when a correct User Id is entered with an incorrect password. If an incorrect user name is supplied the message "invalid username or password" is displayed but it is not common for a user to forget their correct login name. The lack of any message from entering and invalid password is causing AD account lockouts and a good deal of frusration for users as we have strict rules in place for expiring passwords and failed login attempt limits. Does anyone know if 9.01X has the ability to supply a meaningful message to the user if just the password is incorrect?
        Alex Tsekhansky
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          Lawson supplies this message based on the LDAP code returned from the BIND (if you're BINDed), and as far as I remember, those messages are pre-programmed in the Java code of the servlets used by WAS. So, to my knowledge you cannot do this via "standard" Lawson/portal means. However, I have done so in the past by a custom mod to either a Lawson servlet or a Portal login interface.
          Joe O'Toole
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            I opened a support ticket with Infor and they said there is a patch JT-179975 to address this issue. Unfortunately, the patch is for 9.01 SP11 and we are running SP9 so an Env update will be required before we can even install it.
            Joe O'Toole
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              Clarification - Infor tells me this JT is included in ESP 11 so no post-upgrade patch install is required. Is there anyone out there running LSF 9.01011 in a "Windows bound to AD" environment that can confirm a message is displayed when a valid UID but invalid PWD is supplied in the Portal login screen?