Process Levels and attributes

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    I am working on how to best build access to our process levels.

    There are 50+ accounts with a range of accounting units underneath as follows

    Account = 101

    Accounting units = 101001 - 101999

    Account = 102

    Accounting Units = 102001-102999

    And so on.....

    I would like to create a custom attribute for Account of 101, 102, etc... and grant access to the associated accounting units.

    Being that there are so many accounts, I would like to be able to accomplish this with a rule referencing the custom attribute and somehow allowing access to the associated accounting units without writing a different rule for each account. This used to be accomplished by allowing access from process level 101-101999 in LAUA.

    Any ideas?

    Veteran Member
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      Unfortunately we got into this early on and created 2 separate unique attributes to accomplish that task and now maintain them separately...if i had to do it a again i would associate my accounting units with the PL and only look at a certain group of numbers and see if the works for example...i contacted a friend that is using something similar take a look...

      We use the substring command. A valid accounting unit is 101883001. This represents Fund 1-3 101

      Department 4-5 88

      Division 6-7 30

      Section 8-9 01

      Our substring rule in Lawson starts in position 4 for a length of 2 in the PROCESS_LEVEL. In the example above 88 represents a users department. If the two positions in the PROCESS_LEVEL equal the PROCESS_LEVEL in the users Employee record then we allow them to access the data.

      This is part of an Element Group Rule.

      Veteran Member
      Posts: 82
      Veteran Member
        user.attributeContains('ProcessLevel',subString(PROCESS_LEVEL,1,3)) seems to have done it in my case. Thanks for your help!!