Need to be able to substite an SSOP identity ... Example have an RMId of pr100rw1, a SSOP User of jsmith (bound to AD), and OS id (Window NT) of localcomputer\xpr100rw1 (local computer account...not AD account!)... would like to change out SSOP User jsmith (AD account) with mjane (also an AD account) and leave the rest unchanged... an thoughts
Thanks, we got it to work by using the loaduser xml. Our biggest problem was getting lawson to reread the security setting and not use cache without doing a stop lawsec and then restart.
"Our biggest problem was getting lawson to reread the security setting and not use cache without doing a stop lawsec and then restart. "
How did you accomplish that?
I 've been working on this for Ashley.. We're not sure why it's working now. A year ago we were having that caching problem. Now, having applied a year's worth of patches, the problem went away. I suspect one of the patches broke something, resulting in our being able to use loadusers to manage SSOPs. No doubt, after some future patch, we will be SOL again just as inexplicably.