I need to run a report on all "OPEN" payment status. When I view app.pmt-status, OPEN is a valid value, but the field is derived. How do i find out what data they use to derive the field value? The field appayment.pmt-status is not available to choose in a report, i am assuming because it is derived.
You can add the logic of creating the derived field on your report. This is what you can do:
- login to lid - dbdef - select product line and AP system code - F6 (select files) - type in your file name: APPAYMENT - find the field you are looking for then F6 for the definition This is the definition: if (open pmt) then "OPEN" else if (paid pmt) then "PAID" else if (draft cancel) then "CNCL" else if (void cash) then "VOID" else SPACES
Open pmt is a condition defined on the file and the way you can get the defnition is by:
.When at the file level use > F6 and optiona C for Conditions.
appayment.pmt-status is not an available field in crystal so i need to know the fields lawson used to derive the value. how do i find that?
There's another handy way to see how a derived field is defined. I'm a big fan of it. It's called the Derived Field Report. Go into LID and type 'derfldrpt'. Sorry, it's an old-fashioned command-line utility, but its report is excellent, since it contains all of the derived fields in an entire file, or in an entire product line.
How exactly do you do this? Would this give me definitions for the derived fields such as current actual amount etc.
My issue right now is finding how the derived field is defined. Is this information held anywhere in a LAWSON table?
We are not using OLEDB but I am thinking that may be a possibility? Can you point me to any documentation on OLEDB versus ODBC?
Thanks, Julia
We typically write our reports off views so anyway to access the derived fields from a view. I know I can recreate the logic but then if the derived field changes I need to change my view and would prefer it to be seamless.
Any ideas?
Thank you that is useful. One last question where can I get the Lawson OLE DB driver - do you need to download it?