We are upgrading to Design Studio 9 and I'm trying to alter the Design Studio customizations we had on AP20.1. I have downloaded the latest documentation from Lawson but didn't find a definitive list of Javascript changes. I'm putting one piece of Javascript into the form at a time and get an error on each piece. Here's where I'm starting so that pay vendor doesn't default to the prior invoice's pay vendor:
function FORM_OnBeforeTransaction(fc) { if (fc=="A") { var vInfoVen=lawForm.setDataValue("API-PAY-VENDOR"," "); var vInfoName=lawForm.setDataValue("VEN-VENDOR-PNAME"," "); if (!vInfoVen || !vInfoName) return false; else return true; } return true; }
I haven't been able to find any references in their documentation to "lawForm.setDataValue" so I don't know if that is the issue here? When I try to File, Save, the error says "Script is saved without syntax error checking. A script control component is not found. Please refer to the documentation for download instructions."
The rest of the Javascript in this form, I have found syntax changes. However, no matter which section I put into the form, I receive the same error. Has anyone else run into this? Thanks for any assistance!
It may be that I need a Lawson patch. When I log in it says which has a patch addressing not being able to save. When I do Help, About, it says which doesn't show any patches on the Lawson site. Anyway, I've referred this to my sysadmin for now.
I've seen that same error when I have multiple "test environments". Ie, two data areas LAWAPP9, LAWTST9. If LAWAPP9 was my default data area and I switched to LAWTST9, I would get that error.
So what was the solution? I'm using the main data area (PROD) and no patches apply to our version of Design Studio, so I'm stumped again.