Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AP30.1 - Invoice Maintenance

Use AP30.1 (Invoice Maintenance) to maintain released invoices.

If an invoice is not in balance, an out-of-balance indicator displays in the
"OB" field. The type of indicator displayed is determined by the type of
out-of-balance condition that exists. "D" (Distributions) displays if the
total invoice distribution amount does not equal the invoice amount. "P"
(Payments) displays if the total payment amount scheduled for the invoice does
not equal the total invoice amount. "T" (Tax) displays if the total invoice
tax distribution amount does not equal the invoice tax amount. An asterisk (*)
displays if more than one out-of-balance condition exists. Use AP30.2
(Distribution Adjustments) to correct distribution errors. Use AP30.3 (Payment
Schedule Adjustment) to correct an invoice payment schedule. To select an
invoice for transfer to another form, select the "X" (Select) line action and
transfer to another form.

To maintain invoice options including process level, description, invoice
accrual code, tax amount, purchase order, voucher number, and user fields,
choose the Misc  button to open the Invoice Options subform.

To maintain pay vendor and remit to information, choose the Pay button to open
the Pay To subform.

To maintain recurring invoice information, choose the Recur button to open the
Recurring subform. If the invoice was not defined as recurring in AP20
(Invoice Entry), the button does not display.

You cannot maintain the invoice number, type, date, amount (except on a
recurring invoice not yet processed by AP175), or currency of a released
invoice. Use AP30.4 (Invoice Cancel) to cancel an invoice, if needed.

Run AP230 (Open Payables Report) to list released invoices for a company.

Updated Files

    APAUDIT    - This program adds Lawson Accounts Payable system audit records
                 if invoice audit in the accounts payable company file is set to

    APDISTRIB  - Changes and deletes accounts payable distribution records when
                 an invoice is changed or canceled.


    APINVOICE  - This program changes and deletes accounts payable invoice

    APMONITOR  - This program adds apmonitor records when an invoice is
                 canceled or changed and the appayment record has been scheduled
                 for payment by AP150 (Cash Requirements).

    APPAYMENT  - This program changes and deletes accounts payable split
                 payment records when an invoice is changed or canceled.

    APVENBAL   - This program adds records to the Lawson Accounts Payable
                 system vendor balance file when the remit-to, invoice amount,
                 or invoice date is changed or the invoice is canceled.

Referenced Files

    APACCRCODE - Used to edit the invoice accrual code.

    APCOMMENTS - Not updated by this program.

    APCOMPANY  - Edits the company number.


    APPROCLEV  - Edits the process level.


    APVENGROUP - Edits the vendor group.

    APVENLOC   - Edits the vendor location.

    APVENMAST  - Edits the vendor number.


AP30.2 - Distribution Adjustments

Use AP30.2 (Distribution Adjustments) to maintain distributions for a
released invoice.

The total distribution amount must equal the invoice amount, and the total tax
distribution amount must equal the total tax amount before the distributions
can be processed by AP175 (Invoice Distribution Closing).

To define or maintain tax information for a tax distribution, choose the Tax
button to open the Tax subform.

To define or maintain optional distribution information including activity,
unit amount, reference, and description, choose the More button to open the
Distribution Options subform.

If you changed a distribution tax amount and the total tax distribution amount
does not equal the invoice tax amount, choose the Tax Amt button to open the
Tax Amount subform. Use the subform to adjust the total tax amount of the

Run AP230 (Open Payables Report) to list released invoices for a company.

Updated Files

    ACCOMMIT   -



    AMINTER    -


    APASTDTL   -

    APAUDIT    - Adds audit records when a distribution is added, changed, or

    APDISTRIB  - This program changes, adds, and deletes accounts payable
                 invoice distribution records.


    APINVOICE  - This program changes the accounts payable invoice records.

    APUAVAL    -


    MAINVDTL   -



    MMDIST     -

    MMUAVAL    -

    RJBRIDGE   -





    TXTAXCODE  - Edits the tax code.

    TXTAXTABLE - Edits the tax table code.

    TXTAXTRAN  - This program deletes a tax transaction record when an accounts
                 payable invoice distribution record that has a tax code is
                 deleted and adds a tax transaction record when a distribution
                 is added with a tax code.

Referenced Files


    ACACTGRP   -


    AMASSET    -



    APACCRCODE - Edits the invoice accrual code.

    APCOMMENTS - Used to display comments.

    APCOMPANY  - Edits the company number.

    APCPYVND   -




    APVENCLASS - Edits the vendor class.

    APVENGROUP - Edits the vendor group.

    APVENLOC   -

    APVENMAST  - Edits the vendor number.

    CUCONV     - Edits the currency exchange rate.

    CURELAT    - Edits the currency relationship.

    GLADDRESS  - Address information is returned if needed.

    GLCHART    - Used in general ledger common routine.

    GLCODES    - Used for subledger control.

    GLINTCO    - Edits the intercompany relationship.

    GLNAMES    - Edits the general ledger accounting unit.


    GLSYSTEM   - Used to verify the existence of a general ledger company.

    GLZONE     -




    REQLINE    -


    TXTAXRATE  - Used to validate the tax rate.

AP30.3 - Payment Schedule Adjustment

Use AP30.3 (Payment Schedule Adjustment) to define and maintain a payment
schedule for a released invoice. You can add new payments or maintain
existing, open or scheduled payments for an invoice. If you paid part of the
invoice amount, you can maintain the remaining open payments.

You can create a new payment schedule manually or create one automatically. To
create a payment schedule automatically, type the number of payments required
in the Split Number field, select a Split Schedule, and select the Split form
action. The system splits the invoice amount equally into the number of
payments specified.

The full invoice discount amount, if any, is applied to the first payment. To
maintain discount information for a scheduled payment, choose the Dsc button
to open the Discounts subform.

The total payment amount must equal the invoice amount before the scheduled
payments can be processed by AP175 (Invoice Distribution Closing).

Updated Files

    APAUDIT    - Adds audit records when a payment is added, changed, or

    APHLDINV   -

    APINVOICE  - This file is changed when a payment record is changed.

    APMONITOR  - Records are added to this file when a payment record has been
                 split, changed, or deleted and has been scheduled for payment
                 by AP150 (Cash Requirements).

    APPAYMENT  - This file's records are changed by, added to, and deleted by
                 the program.

    CBBANKINST - Validates payment code and updates used flag.

    CBCASHCODE - Validates cash code and updates used flag.

    CBCPYCASH  - Validates company-cash code relationship and updates used flag.

Referenced Files

    APCOMMENTS - Used to display comments.

    APCOMPANY  - Edits the company number.

    APCPYVND   -




    APVENCLASS - Edits the vendor class.

    APVENGROUP - Edits the vendor group.

    APVENLOC   -

    APVENMAST  - Edits the vendor number.

    CBUSER     - Validates user can access cash code.

    CBUSRCLASS - Validates all users for cash code.

    CUCONV     - Edits the currency exchange rate.

    CURELAT    - Edits the currency relationship.

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to verify the existence of a general ledger company.

AP30.4 - Invoice Cancel

Use AP30.4 (Invoice Cancel) to cancel a released invoice. You might need to
cancel a released invoice if the invoice number, type, date, amount, or
currency is incorrect. You can re-enter canceled invoices in AP20 (Invoice
Entry) using the same invoice number, if needed. The invoice you are canceling
cannot have any payments made against it.

If an invoice is not in balance, an out-of-balance indicator displays in the
"OB" field. The type of indicator displayed is determined by the type of
out-of-balance condition that exists. "D" (Distributions) displays if the
total invoice distribution amount does not equal the invoice amount. "P"
(Payments) displays if the total payment amount scheduled for the invoice does
not equal the total invoice amount. "T" (Tax) displays if the total invoice
tax distribution amount does not equal the invoice tax amount. An asterisk (*)
displays if more than one out-of-balance condition exists. Use AP30.2
(Distribution Adjustments) to correct distribution errors. Use AP30.3 (Payment
Schedule Adjustment) to correct an invoice payment schedule. To select an
invoice for transfer to another form, select the "X" (Select) line action and
transfer to another form.

If active comments exist for an invoice, an asterisk displays in the "C"

If the invoice has been processed by AP170 (Payment Closing), you must void
the payment in the Lawson Cash Ledger system and run AP190 (Invoice
Reinstatement) to reinstate the invoice before you can cancel it.

If the invoice has been processed by AP175 (Invoice Distribution Closing), the
system uses the cancel date you define to post reversing entries to the
expense and liability accounts in the general ledger the next time you run
AP175. The system creates reversing entries only if the invoice was posted
before the cancellation. If the invoice was not posted, the system does not
make entries to the general ledger.

Note: The cancellation process does not delete the invoice. Canceled invoices
display in AP90 (AP Inquiries), AP92 (Vendor Invoices), and AP95 (AP
Distribution Inquiry).

Updated Files

    ACCOMMIT   -



    AMINTER    -


    APASTDTL   -

    APAUDIT    - Creates audit records.

    APCRMEMO   - Deletes credit memo records.

    APDISTRIB  - Updates distribution records.

    APHLDINV   -

    APINVOICE  - Updates invoice records.

    APMONITOR  - Updates monitor records.

    APPAYMENT  - Updates payment records.

    APUAVAL    -

    APVENBAL   - Updates vendor balances.



    EEUAVAL    -



    LMPAYDTL   -


    MAINVDTL   -


    MAPOINV    -


    MMDIST     -

    MMUAVAL    -




    RJBRIDGE   -




    TXTAXCODE  - Validates tax codes.

    TXTAXTRAN  - Updates tax transaction records.

Referenced Files


    ACACTGRP   -


    AMASSET    -


    APACCRCODE - Validates invoice accrual code.

    APCOMPANY  - Validates company.

    APHLDINV   -



    APVENCLASS - Validates vendor class.

    APVENGROUP - Validates vendor group.

    APVENLOC   -

    APVENMAST  - Validates vendor.

    CUACCT     - Used in general ledger currency common routine.

    CUCONV     - Used in general ledger currency common routine.

    CURELAT    - Used in general ledger common routines.

    GLADDRESS  - Used in general ledger common routines.

    GLCHART    -

    GLCODES    - Used in general ledger common routines.

    GLINTCO    -

    GLNAMES    -

    GLSYSTEM   - Used in general ledger common routines.



    REQLINE    -


INVOKED Programs
