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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms

                             APMONITOR FILE

                        Accounts Payable Monitor

The Accounts Payable Monitor file contains job completion status records.


AP101     AP102     AP150     AP155     AP160     AP161
AP170     AP175     AP176     AP190     AP191     AP195
AP198     AP199     AP30.1    AP30.3    AP30.4    AP300
AP305     AP35.1    AP40.1    AP520     AP55.1    AP55.2
CB191     EE135     EE175     EE520


MON-PAY-GROUP        Alpha 4                                     AP101   AP102
Pay Group            The pay group associated with the           AP150   AP155
                     monitor record. Must be a valid record      AP160   AP161
                     in the Pay Group file.                      AP170   AP175
                                                                 AP176   AP190
                                                                 AP191   AP195
                                                                 AP198   AP199
                                                                 AP30.1  AP30.3
                                                                 AP30.4  AP300
                                                                 AP35.1  AP40.1
                                                                 AP520   AP55.1
                                                                 AP55.2  CB191
                                                                 EE135   EE175

MON-PROC-GRP         Alpha 4  (Lower Case)                       AP101   AP102
Process Group        A process group is an identifier used       AP150   AP155
                     for separating vendors into different       AP160   AP161
                     groups to enable concurrent processing      AP170   AP175
                     within the cash payment cycle.              AP176   AP190
                                                                 AP191   AP195
                                                                 AP198   AP199
                                                                 AP30.1  AP30.3
                                                                 AP30.4  AP300
                                                                 AP35.1  AP40.1
                                                                 AP520   AP55.1
                                                                 AP55.2  CB191
                                                                 EE135   EE175

MON-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   AP101   AP102
Company              The company number associated with the      AP150   AP155
                     monitor record. Must be a valid record      AP160   AP161
                     in the Accounts Payable Company file.       AP170   AP175
                                                                 AP176   AP190
                                                                 AP191   AP195
                                                                 AP198   AP199
                                                                 AP30.1  AP30.3
                                                                 AP30.4  AP300
                                                                 AP35.1  AP40.1
                                                                 AP520   AP55.1
                                                                 AP55.2  CB191
                                                                 EE135   EE175

MON-RUN-PROG         Alpha 5                                     AP101   AP102
Run Program          The program for which a monitor record      AP150   AP155
                     was created.                                AP160   AP161
                     APREL                                       AP170   AP175
                     AP150                                       AP176   AP190
                     AP155                                       AP191   AP195
                     AP160                                       AP198   AP199
                     AP170                                       AP30.1  AP30.3
                     AP175                                       AP30.4  AP300
                     AP190                                       AP35.1  AP40.1
                     AP191                                       AP520   AP55.1
                     AP195                                       AP55.2  CB191
                     AP199                                       EE135   EE175
                     AP30                                        EE520

MON-PROC-LEVEL       Alpha 5                                     AP101   AP102
Process Level        The process level for which the program     AP150   AP155
                     was run, if applicable. Must be a valid     AP160   AP161
                     record in the Accounts Payable Process      AP170   AP175
                     Level file.                                 AP176   AP190
                                                                 AP191   AP195
                                                                 AP198   AP199
                                                                 AP30.1  AP30.3
                                                                 AP30.4  AP300
                                                                 AP35.1  AP40.1
                                                                 AP520   AP55.1
                                                                 AP55.2  CB191
                                                                 EE135   EE175

MON-BATCH-NUM        Numeric 6                                   AP101   AP102
Batch Number         The batch number for which the program      AP150   AP155
                     was run, if applicable. Must be a valid     AP160   AP161
                     record in the Batch file.                   AP170   AP175
                                                                 AP176   AP190
                                                                 AP191   AP195
                                                                 AP198   AP199
                                                                 AP30.1  AP30.3
                                                                 AP30.4  AP300
                                                                 AP35.1  AP40.1
                                                                 AP520   AP55.1
                                                                 AP55.2  CB191
                                                                 EE135   EE175

MON-AUTH-CODE        Alpha 3                                     AP101   AP102
Authority Code       The authority code for which the            AP150   AP155
                     program was run, if applicable. Must be     AP160   AP161
                     a valid record in the Authority Code        AP170   AP175
                     file.                                       AP176   AP190
                                                                 AP191   AP195
                                                                 AP198   AP199
                                                                 AP30.1  AP30.3
                                                                 AP30.4  AP300
                                                                 AP35.1  AP40.1
                                                                 AP520   AP55.1
                                                                 AP55.2  CB191
                                                                 EE135   EE175

MON-REC-STATUS       Numeric 1                                   AP101   AP102
Record Status        The record status. Valid values are:        AP150   AP155
                                                                 AP160   AP161
                     0 = Completed.                              AP170   AP175
                     1 = Running or Awaiting Recovery.           AP176   AP190
                                                                 AP191   AP195
                                                                 AP198   AP199
                                                                 AP30.1  AP30.3
                                                                 AP30.4  AP300
                                                                 AP35.1  AP40.1
                                                                 AP520   AP55.1
                                                                 AP55.2  CB191
                                                                 EE135   EE175

MON-CREATE-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       AP101   AP102
Creation Date        The date the monitor record was created     AP150   AP155
                     (most often the run date of the program     AP160   AP161
                     for which the record was created).          AP170   AP175
                                                                 AP176   AP190
                                                                 AP191   AP195
                                                                 AP198   AP199
                                                                 AP30.1  AP30.3
                                                                 AP30.4  AP300
                                                                 AP35.1  AP40.1
                                                                 AP520   AP55.1
                                                                 AP55.2  CB191
                                                                 EE135   EE175

MON-CREATION-TIME    Numeric 6  (hhmmss)                         AP101   AP102
Creation Time        The system time the monitor record was      AP150   AP155
                     created (most often the run time of the     AP160   AP161
                     program for which the record was            AP170   AP175
                     created).                                   AP176   AP190
                                                                 AP191   AP195
                                                                 AP198   AP199
                                                                 AP30.1  AP30.3
                                                                 AP30.4  AP300
                                                                 AP35.1  AP40.1
                                                                 AP520   AP55.1
                                                                 AP55.2  CB191
                                                                 EE135   EE175

                         APMONITOR FILE INDEX


MONSET1   PAY-GROUP     This index is used to access monitor     AP101   AP102
          RUN-PROG      records for a specific program run for   AP150   AP155
          PROC-GRP      an accounts payable company.             AP160   AP161
          PROC-LEVEL                                             AP170   AP175
          BATCH-NUM                                              AP176   AP190
          AUTH-CODE                                              AP191   AP195
          COMPANY                                                AP198   AP199
                                                                 AP30.1  AP30.3
                                                                 AP30.4  AP300
                                                                 AP305   AP35.1
                                                                 AP40.1  AP520
                                                                 AP55.1  AP55.2
                                                                 CB191   EE135
                                                                 EE175   EE520

MONSET2   COMPANY       This index is used to access monitor     AP101   AP102
          BATCH-NUM     records for a specific batch or          AP150   AP155
          AUTH-CODE     authority code.                          AP160   AP161
          RUN-PROG      KeyChange                                AP170   AP175
          PROC-LEVEL                                             AP176   AP190
          PAY-GROUP                                              AP191   AP195
          PROC-GRP                                               AP198   AP199
                                                                 AP30.1  AP30.3
                                                                 AP30.4  AP300
                                                                 AP35.1  AP40.1
                                                                 AP520   AP55.1
                                                                 AP55.2  CB191
                                                                 EE135   EE175