AR301 - Customer Purge
Use AR301 (Customer Purge) to delete all customers assigned to a specific
company or customer group from the Lawson Accounts Receivable system. The
report creates a listing of deleted customers. You have the option to archive
deleted records to disk. The output file contains the information included in
the listing.
Updated Files
ARCOMMENT - Deletes customer comment records.
ARCONTACTS - Deletes contact records.
ARCUSTFLDS - Deleted customer user records.
ARCUSTOMER - Deletes customer records.
ARCUSTPER - Deletes customer period records.
ARCUSTTOTS - Deletes customer process level exclusion records.
ARMICRCUST - Deletes customer MICR records.
BALFWDTOT - Deletes customer balance forward records.
BILLTO - Deletes customer bill to records.
CKPOINT - Creates and deletes check point record.
CUSTDESC - Deletes customer description records.
DTCUSTBANK - Deletes customer Bill of Exchange and EFT bank records.
NATACCT - Deletes national account records.
NATBALANCE - Deletes national balance records.
OECUST - Deletes customer order entry information records.
STATICCUST - Deletes static customer aging amounts.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates AR company.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates customer group.
AROITEMS - Validates open item records before deletion.
ARPAYMENT - Validates payment records before deletion.