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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms

                              OECUST FILE

                       Customer Order Processing

The Customer Order Processing file contains customer order processing
information for use in the Lawson Order Entry system.


AC551     AR08.1    AR210     AR219     AR48.1    AR48.3
BL04.1    BL121     BL123     BL125     BL202     BL204
BL217     BL219     BL220     BL231     BL246     BL290
BL291     BL31.1    BL31.2    BL31.3    BL31.5    BL31.7
BL32.3    BL32.4    BL33.1    BL331     BL34.1    BL46.1
BL46.2    BL530     BL80.1    BL80.3    BL802     BL81.1
BL82.1    BL85.1    BL85.2    BL90.1    BR10.1    BR11.1
BR120     BR121     BR210     BR211     BR220     BR420
BR450     BRIP.1    IC02.1    PR197     TX140     TX40.1
WH110     WH120     WH130     WH21.2    WH33.1    WH33.2
WH33.3    WH33.4    WH33.5    WH33.6    WH33.8    WH33.9
WH34.1    WH34.2    WH34.3    WH34.4


AR301     AR501     AR550     BL02.1


OET-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   AR501   AR550
Company              Company number.                             BL02.1

OET-CUSTOMER         Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                  AR501   AR550
Customer Number      Customer number.                            BL02.1

OET-INCOMPLETE-FL    Alpha 1                                     AR501   AR550
Incomplete Flag      Incomplete indicator for customer           BL02.1
                     addition control.

OET-FREIGHT-CODE     Alpha 2                                     AR501   AR550
Freight Code         This field contains the freight code.       BL02.1
                     This determines whether carrier and
                     charges are allowed for the shipment.

OET-PK-PRIORITY      Numeric 2                                   AR501   AR550
Picking Priority     Pick priority assigned to this              BL02.1
                     customer. Used by batch inventory
                     allocation to determine which customers
                     get first option on available inventory.

OET-CARRIER          Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                  AR501   AR550
Carrier Vendor       Carrier Vendor Number. Must be a valid      BL02.1
Number               vendor number in the Lawson Accounts
                     Payable system.

OET-CIA-FL           Alpha 1                                     AR501   AR550
Cash In Advance Flag Indicates whether the customer must pay     BL02.1
                     cash in advance. Valid values are:

                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

OET-CIA-PCT          Percent 8.5  (Percent)                      AR501   AR550
Cash In Advance      If cash in advance is required, this        BL02.1
Percent              field indicates the percentage of the
                     order amount required from the customer
                     before accepting an order.

OET-ORD-DISC-CODE    Alpha 4                                     AR501   AR550
Order Discount Code  Order discount code used to assess          BL02.1
                     discounts on customer orders. Must be a
                     valid order discount code in the Lawson
                     Order Entry system.

OET-TERRITORY        Alpha 4                                     AR501
Sales Territory      Sales Territory.

OET-SALESMAN-2       Numeric 4                                   AR501   AR550
SalesRep2            This field contains the code
                     representing the second salesrep. This
                     defaults from the order header.

OET-COMM-SPLIT       Percent 5.3  (Percent)                      AR501   AR550
Commission Split     This field contains the commission          BL02.1
Percentage           split.

OET-PRICE-LST        Alpha 14                                    AR501   AR550
Price List           Used to automatically price orders.         BL02.1
                     Must be a valid price list in the Lawson
                     Order Entry system.

OET-ACKNOW-FL        Alpha 1                                     AR501   AR550
Acknowledgement      Indicates whether the customer requires     BL02.1
Required Flag        printed acknowledgments. Valid values

                     N = No; acknowledgments not required
                     Y = Yes; acknowledgments required

OET-BACK-ORD-FL      Alpha 1                                     AR501   AR550
Backorders Allowed   Indicates whether the customer accepts      BL02.1
Flag                 backorders. Valid values are:

                     N = No; backorders not accepted
                     Y = Yes; backorders accepted

OET-SHIP-COMP-FL     Alpha 1                                     AR501   AR550
Ship Complete        Indicates whether orders must be            BL02.1
                     complete for shipment. Valid values are:

                     N = No; partial shipments accepted
                     Y = Yes; shipments must be complete

OET-PO-REQ-FL        Alpha 1                                     AR501   AR550
PO Required          Indicates whether the customer's            BL02.1
                     purchase order number must be entered
                     before releasing an order.

                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

OET-DEF-SHIP-TO      Numeric 4                                   AR501   AR550
Default Ship-to for  Default ship-to location for the            BL02.1
Customer             customer.

OET-DEF-LOCATION     Alpha 5                                     AR501   AR550
Default Location     Default ship-from location or warehouse     BL02.1
for Operator         for customer.

OET-DEF-METHOD       Alpha 10                                    AR501   AR550
Default Method for   Default shipping method for the             BL02.1
Ship-to              customer.

OET-CUSTOMER-CODE    Alpha 4                                     AR501   AR550
Customer Code        Customer code. This is a code used to       BL02.1
                     classify customers for Sales Analysis.

OET-POD-REQ-FL       Alpha 1                                     AR501   AR550
POD Required         POD required flag. Customer requires        BL02.1
                     that a Proof of Delivery form to
                     accompany the shipment. The shipment
                     will not be billed until POD is returned
                     or the POD grace period expires.

                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

OET-GRACE-PER        Numeric 3                                   AR501   AR550
Grace Period         The number of grace days added to the       BL02.1
                     POD creation date before the customer
                     will be billed.

OET-SGL-ORD-LIM      Signed 13.0                                 AR501   AR550
Single Order Limit   Maximum single order amount for the

OET-SGL-HOLD-CODE    Alpha 4                                     AR501   AR550
Single Order Hold    Hold code to apply to a non-COD order
Code                 when the order total amount exceeds the
                     single order limit. If the single order
                     limit is greater than zero, then this
                     field is required. If the single order
                     limit is equal to zero and a single
                     order hold code is entered, then every
                     non-COD order will be on hold.

OET-COD-LIM          Signed 13.0                                 AR501   AR550
COD Limit            Total value limit for COD orders.

OET-COD-HOLD-CODE    Alpha 4                                     AR501   AR550
COD Hold Code        This is the hold code applied to the
                     order if it exceeds the COD order limit.

OET-ENT-CHECK-FL     Alpha 1                                     AR501   AR550
Order Entry Credit   Entry check flag indicates whether
Check                credit checking is performed when orders
                     are entered.

                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

OET-PRT-CHECK-FL     Alpha 1                                     AR501   AR550
Print Picking        Print check flag indicates whether
Credit Check         credit checking is performed prior to
                     printing picking lists.

                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

OET-AGE-CRED-PCT     Percent 5.2  (Percent) Occurs 5 Times       AR501   AR550
Age Credit Percent   The percentage of credit limit allowed
                     for this period.

OET-AGE-HOLD-CD      Alpha 4 Occurs 5 Times                      AR501   AR550
Aging Hold Code      The hold code applied to an order if it
                     is added when the customer fails the
                     credit check because of the aging period

OET-BRKN-CS-CHRG     Alpha 1                                     AR501   AR550
Broken Case Charge   This flag determines if there is a
                     charge if a broken case is required to
                     satisfy an order in Order Entry.

                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

OET-CR-LIMIT-HOLD    Alpha 4                                     AR501   AR550
Credit Limit Hold    Indicates whether a customer is on hold
Code                 due to exceeding credit limit.

OET-OR-LIMIT-HOLD    Alpha 4                                     AR501   AR550
Order Limit Hold     Indicates whether a customer is on hold
Code                 due to exceeding the order limit.

OET-AGING-1          Derived
Aging 1              The first occurrence of the customer
                     static aging amount.

OET-AGING-2          Derived
Aging 2              The second occurrence of the customer
                     static aging amount.

OET-AGING-3          Derived
Aging 3              The third occurrence of the customer
                     static aging amount.

OET-AGING-4          Derived
Aging 4              The fourth occurrence of the customer
                     static aging amount.

OET-AGING-5          Derived
Aging 5              The fifth occurrence of the customer
                     static aging amount.

OET-AGE-PCT-1        Derived
Aging Percent 1      The first occurrence of the age credit

OET-AGE-PCT-2        Derived
Aging Percent 2      The second occurrence of the age credit

OET-AGE-PCT-3        Derived
Aging Percent 3      The third occurrence of the age credit

OET-AGE-PCT-4        Derived
Aging Percent 4      The fourth occurrence of the age credit

OET-AGE-PCT-5        Derived
Aging Percent 5      The fifth occurrence of the age credit

OET-AGE-LIMIT-1      Derived
Aging Limit 1        The first occurrence of the age credit
                     percentage multiplied by the first
                     occurrence of the static aging amount.

OET-AGE-LIMIT-2      Derived
Aging Limit 2        The second occurrence of the age credit
                     percentage multiplied by the second
                     occurrence of the static aging amount.

OET-AGE-LIMIT-3      Derived
Aging Limit 3        The third occurrence of the age credit
                     percentage multiplied by the third
                     occurrence of the static aging amount.

OET-AGE-LIMIT-4      Derived
Aging Limit 4        The fourth occurrence of the age credit
                     percentage multiplied by the fourth
                     occurrence of the static aging amount.

OET-AGE-LIMIT-5      Derived
Aging Limit 5        The fifth occurrence of the age credit
                     percentage multiplied by the fifth
                     occurrence of the static aging amount.

OET-LINE-ITEM-REQ    Alpha 1                                     AR501   AR550
Line Item Required   Indicates if line items are to be
                     interfaced into Accounts Receivable for
                     an invoice. Valid values  are:

                     N = Line items are not interfaced
                     Y = Line items are interfaced

OET-VENDOR           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)
Vendor ID            The vendor's identification code.

OET-PURCH-FR-LOC     Alpha 4
Purchase From        The vendor's purchase from location.
Location Code

OET-FOB-CODE         Alpha 3
Shipping Term Code   The user defined Free On Board Code.

OET-PORT-CD          Alpha 5
Port Cd              The Intrastat port code.  Must be
                     in IN04.1 (Port Maintenance)

                         OECUST FILE INDEX


OETSET1   COMPANY       This is the primary path used to access  AC551   AR08.1
          CUSTOMER      records.                                 AR210   AR219
                                                                 AR301   AR48.1
                                                                 AR48.3  AR501
                                                                 AR550   BL02.1
                                                                 BL04.1  BL121
                                                                 BL123   BL125
                                                                 BL202   BL204
                                                                 BL217   BL219
                                                                 BL220   BL231
                                                                 BL246   BL290
                                                                 BL291   BL31.1
                                                                 BL31.2  BL31.3
                                                                 BL31.5  BL31.7
                                                                 BL32.3  BL32.4

                         OECUST FILE RELATIONS



Arcomp         ARCOMP       Required

                            OET-COMPANY          -> ACO-COMPANY

Arcustomer     ARCUSTOMER   Required

                            OET-COMPANY          -> ACM-COMPANY
                            OET-CUSTOMER         -> ACM-CUSTOMER

Cranalyst      CRANALYST    Not Required

                            OET-COMPANY          -> CAN-COMPANY
                            ACM-CREDIT-ANLYST    -> CAN-CREDIT-ANLYST

Custdesc       CUSTDESC     Required

                            ACO-CUST-GROUP       -> CUD-CUST-GROUP
                            OET-CUSTOMER         -> CUD-CUSTOMER

Holdcodes      HOLDCODES    Not Required

                            ACO-CUST-GROUP       -> HDD-CUST-GROUP
                            ACM-HOLD-CODE        -> HDD-HOLD-CODE