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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


BL46.1 - Contract

Use this form to define contracts and tie them to a customer. Contracts are
date-sensitive agreements established with a customer on a one-to-one basis
that determines pricing arrangements. Think of a contract as a price list
assigned to a specific customer for a specific time period. The same options
that are available on a price list are available for a contract. Using this
form, you can update the default information for a contract, including the
price base, the default percentage, the effective date range, and the default
discount code.

Note: Due to the defaulting hierarchy, you cannot add a new contract that has
an overlapping date range with an existing contract unless both contracts have
a blank default percentage.

See the Billing Procedures Manual for more information on contracts.

Updated Files

    CUSTEP     -

    OEDISCOUNT - Used to validate discount codes and provide discount
                 information for the pricing routine.

    OEPLCLASS  - Used to store sales class pricing parameters for price list,
                 promotion, and contract.

    OEPLITEM   - Used to store item pricing parameters for price list,
                 promotion, and contract.

    OEPRCLIST  - Used to store default pricing parameters for price list,
                 promotion, and contract.

Referenced Files

    AGINGCODE  - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    ARCOMP     - Used to validate the Accounts Receivable company.

    ARCUSTFLDS - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit and Update

    ARCUSTGRP  - Used in the Accounts Receivable company edit routine.

    ARCUSTOMER - Used to validate the Accounts Receivable customer.

    ARCUSTTOTS - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    ARLOCKBOX  - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    ARPAYMENT  - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    CUSTDESC   - Used to display the Accounts Receivable customer information.

    EPTRANS    -


    NATACCT    - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    NATBALANCE - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    OEBASE     - Used to validate price base name.

    OECOMPANY  - Used to validate the Billing company.

    OECUST     - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    OEMISC     - Used to validate the Billing add-on charge code.

    STATICCUST - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    WFSETUP    -

BL46.2 - Contract Sales Class

Use this form to define contract pricing that will affect items of a specific
sales class. You can also apply different contract pricing percentages to the
same sales class, depending on the item quantities ordered. Discounts can also
be assigned to a contract price at the sales class level. Set the Amalgamated
Pricing flag to Yes if the quantity the price is based on is the total order
quantity for all items in this sales class.

See the Billing Procedures Manual for information on item pricing.

Updated Files

    CUSTEP     -

    OEDISCOUNT - Used to validate discount codes and provide discount
                 information for the pricing routine.

    OEPLCLASS  - Used to store sales class pricing parameters for price list,
                 promotion, and contract.

    OEPRCLIST  - Used to store default pricing parameters for price list,
                 promotion, and contract.

Referenced Files

    AGINGCODE  - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    ARCOMP     - Used to validate the Accounts Receivable company.

    ARCUSTFLDS - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit and Update

    ARCUSTGRP  - Used in the Accounts Receivable company edit routine.

    ARCUSTOMER - Used to validate the Accounts Receivable customer.

    ARCUSTTOTS - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    ARLOCKBOX  - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    ARPAYMENT  - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    CUSTDESC   - Used to display the Accounts Receivable customer information.

    EPTRANS    -

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Inventory Control company.


    MAJORCL    - Used to validate the major sales class.

    MINORCL    - Used to validate the minor sales class.

    NATACCT    - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    NATBALANCE - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    OECOMPANY  - Used to validate the Billing company.

    OECUST     - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    STATICCUST - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    WFSETUP    -

BL46.3 - Contract Item

Use this form to assign a contract and optionally a discount on an item by
item basis. You can also define separate contract pricing percentages, based
on item quantities ordered.

See the Billing Procedures Manual for more information on pricing.

Updated Files

    OEDISCOUNT - Used to validate discount codes and provide discount
                 information for the pricing routine.

    OEPLITEM   - Used to store item pricing parameters for price list,
                 promotion, and contract.

    OEPRCLIST  - Used to store default pricing parameters for price list,
                 promotion, and contract.

Referenced Files

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Inventory Control company.

    ITEMMAST   - Used to validate Inventory Control item numbers.

    OEBASE     - Used to validate the price base name.

    OECOMPANY  - Used to validate the Billing company.

INVOKED Programs
