AR50.1 - Customer Aging
Use AR50.1 (Customer Aging) to create a transaction aging summary for a
single company customer, a customer across multiple companies, or a national
account customer. You can select an aging period for transfer to the Customer
Aging Detail subform to display transactions that are included in the aging
AR50.1 (Customer Aging) includes all open transactions currently in the Lawson
Accounts Receivable system, including future transactions. Only the open
amount of a transaction is aged. The current balance is updated when you
release a transaction.
If you create an aging summary for a invoiced customer that is part of a
national account, the unreleased applications and adjustments balance may
include unreleased applications and adjustments for payments that were
submitted by the national account customer for the invoiced customer's open
Choose the Filter button to customize the aging criteria. Choose the Balance
button to display the customer/vendor balance.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
AGINGCODE - Obtains aging information from customer file.
ARAPPLIED - Calculates unreleased application/adjustment amounts.
ARCOMP - Validates company.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates customer group.
ARCUSTOMER - Obtains/validate customer record.
ARDISPUTE - Obtains dispute amount.
ARDRAFTS - Obtains bill of exchange records.
AROIHDR - Obtains invoice header information.
AROITEMS - Obtains open items.
ARPAYMENT - Obtains payments for a customer.
ARPROCLEVL - Validates and obtain process level.
CUCONV - Used as part of currency validation.
CUSTDESC - Obtains/validate customer record.
GLSYSTEM - Used as part of general ledger account validation.
NATACCT - Obtains national account information.
NATBALANCE - Obtains national account current balance record.
INVOKED Programs