Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


HR514 - Alternate Rates Conversion

Run HR514 (Alternate Rates Conversion) to import alternate rate information
from a comma-separated value (CSV) file into HR14.1 (Alternate Rates).

Planning considerations
-  Current and/or historical alternate rates can be converted.
-  Alternate rates can be tied to process levels, departments, job codes,
positions, pay codes or any combination of them.
-  If converting a historical rate that is tied to a position, the position
must exist for the effective through end date range.

Before you convert alternate rates:
- Be sure employee records exist in HR11.1 (Employee).
- Be sure the following values, if used, are defined:
    - Pay Code (PR20.1)
    - Process Level (HR01.1)
    - Department (HR02.1)
    - Job Code (HR06.1)
    - Position (PA02.1)

If you use positions, the positions need to be defined for the date range
being converted.

The program processes and prints records in the order in which they are found
on the CSV file. The program edits records as if they were directly typed into
HR14.1. Any errors are written out to a new CSV file.

HR514 updates the following database files:
Database File Description    Database File Name
-------------------------    ------------------
*Employee                    EMPLOYEE
Alternate Pay Rates          PRRATES
*updates a flag that indicates whether alternate rates exist

Workfile name:

To verify converted data:
- Run HR211 (Employee Listing).

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    -

    EMPLOYEE   -

    PRRATES    -

Referenced Files

    DEPTCODE   -

    HRSECLEV   -

    JOBCODE    -



    PASCRTY    -


    PRSYSTEM   -

INVOKED Programs
