Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AM180 - Depreciation Calculation and Listing

**Form Purpose
Run Depreciation Calculation and Listing (AM180) to compute depreciation for
an asset book or asset book group for a company or company group. Only assets
that have been released either online or by AM170 (Processing Release) are
eligible for depreciation calculation. You can run this program as often as
you want. An optional edit listing without depreciation calculation is also

**Processing Effect
- If you run this program on a regular asset book, AM180 calculates the
depreciation for each asset based on the depreciation method defined
individually for each asset.

- If you run this program for a Part 32 (asset class) book, AM180 calculates
the depreciation for each class of assets, based on the average asset account
balance in each of the asset class accounts, and on the depreciation
percentage defined for each account.

Note For asset class depreciation, proper implementation is critical to avoid
over-depreciation. If you use this feature, you must strictly follow the
one-on-one correlation between a type and the set of General Ledger accounts
used by an asset class. For instance, you should not set up class-depreciated
assets that use the same asset account (that is, company, accounting unit,
account) but have different accounts for depreciation expense and accumulated
depreciation. In addition, when multiple class depreciation books are used,
all assets belonging to an asset class (referencing the same asset account)
must use the same class depreciation book.

**More Information
Before you can close a period using AM190 (Period Close), you must process
all depreciable assets for a book through this program. (Use Compute option A
(All Assets).)

Updated Files


    AMASTBOOK  - Updates the Method Switched and Current Period Depreciation
                 Switch fields.

    AMASTRECAP - Used to calculate and store tax credit and recapture amounts.

    AMASTTYPE  - Used to validate and retrieve asset type information. Used to
                 store asset types and subtypes, which represent groupings of
                 like assets that can be used for reporting and defaulting
                 common asset definition data.


    AMCALENDAR - Updates the Number of Periods in Process and the In-Process
                 Period-End Date fields.


    AMCONTROL  - Used to validate whether the company is used by the Asset
                 Management system. Used to store control records for the
                 general ledger companies that are associated with records
                 processed in the Asset Management system.


    CKPOINT    - Used by a common library; not used by this program.

    RATOTALS   -

    ULTOTALS   -

Referenced Files

    AMASSET    - Used to validate and retrieve asset information. Used to store
                 asset records. This file also contains many of the selection
                 and sorting fields that are used for reporting.

    AMBGRPBOOK - Used to validate and retrieve books in valid book groups.


    AMBOOK     - Used to validate and retrieve book information. Used to store
                 the books that assets use for reporting and for calculating
                 depreciation, replacement cost, and insurance values.

    AMBOOKGRP  - Used to validate and retrieve book groups.


    AMCOMPUTE  - Used to retrieve compute statements used in depreciation
                 calculation. Used to store the Lawson-defined compute statement
                 methods (straight line; 125, 150, 175, and 200 percent
                 declining balance; and sum of the years digits) and optional
                 user-defined methods.

    AMMETHOD   - Used to retrieve the depreciation method used in calculating
                 depreciation. Used to store the Lawson-defined and optional
                 user-defined methods that asset books use to calculate
                 depreciation, replacement cost, and insurance values.

    AMPUCODE   - Used to retrieve personal use information. Used to store
                 personal use codes, which asset books use to calculate

    AMPUHIS    - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMTABLEPCT - Used to find table percentages for depreciation calculation.



    AMUOPPDS   - Used to retrieve the units of production for depreciation
                 calculation. Used to store user-defined annual and period units
                 of production table methods that asset books use to calculate
                 depreciation, replacement cost, and insurance values.

    CMPUTE     -

    CUCONV     -

    CURELAT    -

    GLADDRESS  - Used by a common library; not used by this program.

    GLCGCPY    - Used to validate the company group.

    GLCHART    - Used by a common library; not used by this program.



    GLMASTER   -

    GLNAMES    -

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate the company.

    MLCALMAP   -




    RWGRPDET   -

    RWROWDET   -

    ULPOST     -

    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
